If We Were to Create a New System, What Would It Be?
Spreading the Truth about Wholonomics Holds the Most Potential to Create a New Civilization.
Pyranomics is utterly broken and dysfunctional from the viewpoint of the 99% – it’s functional for the 1% at the top who profit at the expense of those below them.
Although the current setup is really not serving us, if we spend all our creative energy only by complaining how bad it is and hurling anger at it, it’s never going to change. We need to focus on what comes next and create a new system.
The late great inventor and systems theorist Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
We are master creators – each and every human on the planet – and that we tend to create, manifest or attract what we focus on. Another way of saying this is the Hawaiian proverb of “energy flows where attention goes”. What you most focus on, especially if it is with intense emotion, you will end up creating in your life, including both the things you love and the things you fear.
Therefore, the last thing we want to do is perpetuate the gross injustice and callousness of the current system by focusing too much attention on it.
There has been a great deal of effort by numerous conspiracy researchers, whistleblowers and alternative journalists to expose the flagrant corruption and deception taking place across the planet, from the parasitic banking system to the NWO cabal that funds both sides of wars and politics.
We have discovered, to our horror, that everything is rigged. Government, as well as the media, the military, education and entertainment industries have been hijacked by a connected group of powerful people at the top who are intent on bringing the Earth under their heel in global domination.
The first step is wake up to the truth. It’s to expose, to shed light, to provoke. That is in the process of being done.
This would include stripping the US Federal Government of many of its agencies and illegal powers it has amassed over the centuries. rein in and either disassemble or drastically reduce the military-industrial complex, including the spy agencies like the NSA.
Regain control of Valuation the includes exchange mediums, kick out the private international banksters and the Federal Reserve for good.
create a new system of abundance by harnessing regenerative free energy.
The secret that is so big it would revolutionize the planet overnight, if enough people knew about it and demanded it.
There are a plentiful array of free energy devices that have been proven to have worked, but have been shut down and confiscated by the Shadow Government. If humanity could manage to develop them and spread them around the planet in such a way that the plans and devices could not be seized, everyone and every household could then generate all their energy, and our dependence on oil and fossil fuels would collapse
Free energy could give humanity at large the most benefit out of any new proposed system, and form a cornerstone we create.
Pyranomics would collapse, and be obsolete.
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