Here we see how gamifying the distribution comes into the picture
By gamifying distribution incentives, we spread it across the playing field, as fast as possible and guarantee that the system becomes viable. We bring diverse new utilities with easy pathways to fund them.
We bootstrap the system from banana republic to global powerhouse. That will bring powerful economic players into the system, which will then be incentivized to protect it and expand it.
If we move swiftly, we can unleash the true power of the quadrupole Legers hyperdimensional economics to unlock the frozen reserves of augmented human potential, to rise from the ashes of our crumbling political systems and rocket into a whole new level of economic potential and development.
This is the pattern of patterns.
We start from a simple core idea, “The Whole” and from there we work out prototypes that reflect and express the nature of Wholeness and that are functional in the World. Once we begin launching our “econo-utilities”, it will not take long for this to spread deep and wide.
What we have is radically different from every other, other out there.
Nobody has this now. They have a white paper with some piece-of-it, a slick website and a bunch of ideas that will take some years to implement. By then it will be too late. The central powers will have built their own corrupt versions of blockchains that will choke the world.
We start with wealth expanding apps with a valuating backend that is User Interface simple and elegant and evolving. We grow the benefits pie for everyone as we grow the total value of the system.
We swarm create comprehensive plans, designs and architecture, software programmers onboard, apps and backend dashboards and already scripted value generating stations for installation and testing. Engine rolling out further features and utilities through Group valuation campaigns over the next 6 months after and ongoing.
Doing the work and bringing this to fruition will solve any perceived problems for delivery. If there’s a major flaw in the implementation, someone will find a way to mitigate it. That’s how it works. There’s no progress without doing the work. Doing this right, everyone gets rich.
Focus on making the entire system richer and we all will get rich right along with it. We organically build a Massive Loyalty Coalition.
Grow the pie for everyone and we grow the total value of the system. This grounds Wholonomics.
The Porteage are the fuel to coalesce order and power this expansion.
Decentralized utility with Universal Basic Income and an expanding Porteage Valuecology built in will flow across the world.
We will build singular apps that become purposed and amplified portex tools.
The Portex platforms are Keys. We envision all the plugins and secondary apps that others can build on top of our systems. The more interoperable universal our Portex platforms are the better. As this is sourced from wholeness, this is our very DNA!
We identify great open source projects like decentralized server systems, or anything else we would love ported to our portex platform that makes it even stronger as the activated Project is more fully realized.
Once we ID these projects we tell them that for everything we raise above our base we are giving to their project and related others. It could become $100k or $1 million dollars or even more. We also issue to them Porteage Incentives, a kind of VC play.
We will have projects seeking us out to give their support. They will lend us their logo, give glowing statements for our website or otherwise broadcast and pound their mailing list and social media with glee to promote us. Our marketing budget is now zero.
There’s zero risk for them and the explosive potential for major rewards.
We have gamified marketing and gamified PR and gamified collaboration.
We splash influencers across our websites with ease and now the masses will rush to engage with us with their Ether and Bitcoin and $. The more we give Valuation to the Portex Collaborators the more Current Flows from nearly everywhere.
What project wouldn’t help us?
We Stealth Gamify the leveraging of Crowd Valuation Funding
We don’t overtly gamify the delivery. We want subtlety and elegance and simplicity. We want to employ stealth funding gamification.
She is getting Giftcurrents for doing things in the app, just for every day usage, for being part of a decentralized mining opnet.
Everyday she gets her scalar-benefits for being a token holder. She is being dripped her TransPloyment Universal Basic Income adding to her account everyday.
As a Gig-deliverer (think Uberall) she is getting good crypto every time she is contacted to make a delivery. She notices the blinky emotional trigger light and clicks it. They takes her to her rewards account dashboard. She realizes she’s built up quite a few Giftcurrents.
Her referrals have been active buying for spring and vacations as have her ring communities from around the world. She smiles seeing she has won some rewards from the Giftpool Xat distribution lottery, a couple of local massages and a brain enhancement kit. She sees she has been invited to a local seminar on a topic she is super interested in.
She finds browsing some amazing custom fitted crafted clothing in a style she just loves and wants them for herself and her whole family. But this is only available through CoHeroGen through one of the “Wholesale Wholospheres”. But she does not have enough Giftcurrents in her account.
That is until she uses the Holomid Marketplace to buy something or book something or in some other way generate more Giftcurrents for themselves, otherwise she can’t order the clothing.
This way we generate Xat to maintain and develop our benefits distribution and operations.
And to her, her Giftcurrent rewards are essentially free or even better than free having all the surprise gifts and added increases that come with them. And she loves that the CoHeroGen ShoPlace is highly curated to have only the best for its “wholesale” price.
So there’s no reason for her not to buy through the HoloMid ShoPlace a whole lot of what she might otherwise buy elsewhere. Or even buy stuff she would not have bought otherwise.
Maybe it’s not as streamlined as Amazon but it is continually improving and is even better in certain ways. And being Bcommerce has advantages.
If she pays a little more or maybe it is not quite as smooth, that’s OK because she is getting a higher quality of experience through the CoheroGen so she keeps right on using the app utility. She feels like this is hers. And she has made some great friends who have really helped with some emotional issues.
She loves the identity security features of the IperDtoken.
She buys happily so she can get more Gift Currents, connect and support her tribe with all the great benefits and knowing she is making a difference helping persons with less in their lives from all over the globe, helping them to become more self-sufficient and actualized.
Making the Giftcurrents Universal
We focus on a universal design that will distribute to everyone as quickly as possible and incentivize them to do what’s best for Wholonomics, the Whole instead of what’s best for themselves alone.
We want to think about is how to give our rewards away to as many people as possible, as fast as possible.
By giving away all the value we will make the system’s growth be exponential and we will quickly upend the entire world.
So we had successful crowd valuation campaigns. We are distributing cash or asset backed Porteage to integrate with related projects.
Our apps are up and running, doing their thing. We are releasing more working prototypes. Now we can expand.
The projects we paid to support start to work with us and for us. We build with them super-slick APIs and plugin management systems and they get to work porting their wonderful apps to our Portex platforms.
Suddenly we have a dozen fresh new features to offer token holders. Our currents are becoming increasing rich in features.
Everyone is bringing their own groups of new tokenholders and creative agents.
We are delivering our next iteration.
An API that delivers universal Giftcurrents through their plugins.
The decision about who gets to use that API maybe semi-centralized at first, chosen from a curated list of major projects and platforms.
At the same time we are actively working on decentralizing the process by building a web of trust with a wise council to deal with issues, “A GlobaMid of Communecologies”.
The APIs include a connection to a security blockchain, that contains updating rules to protect against abuse and cheaters.
To figure out all the ways to cheat the system we will need a team of security researchers looking to break it. Once we know all the ways to destroy the system, we can design ways to protect it.
Some exploits will be inevitable but we use the power of the blockchain to issue a new set of rules that crush the exploit in record time.
Building a Reputation Bank holding Reputokens using Repucurrents is a hedge against cheating.
Now we give projects and companies keys to use the API. The keys also determine the number of porteage they get to give out that reflects the round of their crowd valuation campaign and is proportional to the size of their network effect. How many players can they bring to the platform? How many new IperDtoken Holders?
The processes are automated.
Every person who adds their network to our network, adds to our total value. Do what is best for the network nodes and the network thrives.
Balance is best. There is something in it for me but more in it for everyone else. The bigger this grows, the bigger our piece of the pie.
We want to design this so it rewards people for benefiting the system and punishes them for exploiting it.
We have many apps all using the same universal reward Giftcurrents.
It builds its own value. Token Holders can take it out and trade it on an exchange, or they can take it across applications for buying free tickets to a show or to get grocery delivery from their local connected chain.
People will come to build apps to use our platform and get our giftcurrents.
Now we’re ready to build our own blockchain.
We build a Wholotic DAO that is not just a smart contract.
We build an organization with deeply decentralized governance, Wholotic politics of the Whole, with all kinds of templates for forming sub-structures.
The more Wholonomic the better. This will take careful planning and consideration and cannot be rushed but through evolved design.
It’s governance and SaaS systems and ways of organizing people at a distance, like a massive, sprawling open source project. Design this right and we design the next-gen template for the businesses of tomorrow.
We design our smartchain to take a fraction of all the mining rewards, transferring Xat on the network.
As the network grows a constant stream of money will pour into the DAO’s coffers, via smart contract.
As more and more of the world’s wealth pours out of crumbling fiat and into alt-crypto, our DAO will grow in power.
We sponsor other DAOs and all of those projects that we helped with our crowd valuation to become more successful.
We create true trickle down economics, not the fake one. Or rather trickle through.
Those sub-DAOs Wholotic Governance will get a constant stream of income via smart contract disbursement which will have an amazing effect, breaking the cycle of the quarterly result forever.
And that will be truly revolutionary.
Our Wholo’teams won’t have to decide between building a truly breakthrough feature or a crap feature that they know will sell. They will focus on quality and delivering features that help people instead of predatory features just to turn a quick buck.
Predatory feature developers get their contracts pulled by votes in the system.
The rules firm and clear and algorithmic, not subject to the whims and emotions of people and their broken belief systems and petty blood feuds.
We design so as not to create tyranny of the majority and the stupid.
We base our blockchain on two porteage types.
Reserve Notes are saver porteage. In a way all the porteages are saver porteage because they increase in value at the start of every round so there is an incentive to hoard them and not use them until more rounds have been Valuated.
This means that Giftcurrents are not Porteage as they are designed for enhanced Spending Velocity.
The Reserve Notes are designed to be deflationary so they slowly rise in value. The idea is for people to invest them as long term credit creation, The value is not in spending them constantly but in holding them, even hoarding them, used for long term projects. They are meant to increase in value over time, benefiting savers rewarding them for their foresight and planning.
Porteages are hyper deflationary as they geometrically rise in value. People invest in them for short and long term wealth creation. The value is in holding them, even hoarding them through the rounds. They underwrite long term Portex development. They are meant to increase in value over time, benefiting savers rewarding them for their foresight and planning and support.
They can of course be converted into spender Currents at any time.
The Current Flows as a spender token. Reserve Notes and Porteage Pools, are saver opposite.
Currents are slightly inflationary with demurrage properties. They are pegged by Millaurums, a stable unit of value. The key is that it remains stable as much as possible. Stability in the measurement denominator makes it so that Currents will move and that’s what we want, for day to day use.
The faster Currents move, the more the system is churning. The more Reserve Notes, the more resilient the system from sudden shock.
We design our Geni localchain where everyone is a client and a miner. Everyone is randomly drafted into pools to secure the blockchain with a proof of work. Then people are just walking along, using the app, and their phone wakes up to do a little work for five or ten minutes and goes back to sleep.
This creates a distributed proof of work. It spreads it out across the system and makes it impossible to crush. They automatically earn Micro Giftcurrents for this.
We don’t need to do better than proof of work, we just need to make it distributed and more energy efficient. We make sure the system can run on cell phones and that adding a bunch of new systems doesn’t get that much of a better chance of being rewarded.
We will constantly drip out our Currents Hyperdimensionally across scale to every Token Holder Universal Basic Income over time.
We have multiple Porteages with different purposes so we harness the power of multiple tools to keep the value steady or rising depending on purpose.
Nobody is limited to just what they receive from their Xat disbursement. This is not a limited system.
This is an abundance economic system. UBI but the baseline.
We change the whole game for everyone on the planet for the better.
If we can stay clear and focused on the big picture, while working to give away our value to grow the system, we will have built an unstoppable economic machine to power the world for generations.
Not just be our house that prospers, but all houses everywhere.
This is a distributed system, the commonwealth of the whole world.
We can unlock the vast hidden potential of the world.
We need to trust the vision and stay on target.
The same systems that can enslave us can free us.
Centralized powers are already hard at work building digital money that will track every single thing you ever do in life. What do those powers want to build? The same broken system but upgraded with terrifying new features!
Our work of gamifying the delivery of “well-being value” is a race against time.
If we don’t move fast enough, centralized cryptocurrencies will take the lead and crush any hope we have for taking back our rights and our privacy.
Decentralized CryptoPorteage can balance out centralized currencies with our strong, privacy protecting focus, providing a powerful set of checks and balances on the excesses of centralized crypto.
We have to become mainstream before the centralized versions take off.
People can return to buying houses and cars and everything else with wealth instead of credit.
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