The purpose of this page is to build a Spec demonstration.
Demonstrates how new users are added to a customized value distribution structure
We should have the ability to modify the design parameters to explore different structural options such as number of token holders in a ring and % received.
Front End
For this discussion the all important Design and UI are specifically excluded.
Programming definitions are based purely on functionality.
Back End
The database structure will be designed to minimize cost and development time.
These incomplete specs below are the basic models that will need to be supported for the distribution of the Giftcurrents (points) and other MultiDcurrents (MultiDimensional Currents):
Wholomid DistributionFormat
base_dimension – An integer with default 12 These are the number of members for the rings and classes of rings.
Together equal the total_tokenholders – an integer defaulted to base_dimension raised to the power of number_of_rings (12^9)
Name or Token holder address – a unique string of alphanumeric characters begins with first entry as going to #.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#… or for a total of 5,159,780,352 Token Holder Addresses. Each Token holder is a member of 9 rings. 10 if you consider dimension zero, the actual token holder.
When a purchase occurs, by a Token Holder, they have a series of rings they are part of that receive point value.
Every token holder who has the same first number (12 token holders in total) receives an equal number of Giftcurrents or points.
Every Token Holder with the same second number receives 144th of the Giftcurrents generated.
Every Token Holder with the same third number receives 12th to the third power Giftcurrents.
Every Token Holder with the same 4th number receives 1/20736th of the Giftcurrents of the transaction Xat.
Further percentage disbursement are 1/12th rebate to the Dimension Zero (D0),
1/12th investor or seeders (for $1,200,000 seed amount). (Not sure of the right investor pool amount) Each pool member receives the amount of Giftcurrents generated equal to the proportion they contributed. A crowdfunding pool.
1/6th for overhead,
1/12th for prizes awards etc.
1/12th for development,
1/12th for benefits to the whole
1/12th for contingency.
This is the first approximation. I am not sure this is entirely correct.
What is a Ring – a foreign key on Wholomid
step – an integer in range [1, number_of_rings on wholomid]
allowed_members – an integer equal to the wholomid’s base_dimension raised to the power of step
tokens – the total integer number of assigned tokens
step and wholomid must be unique together.
When a Wholomid model is saved for the first time, its associated rings must also be created. Assuming that the Wholomid’s base_dimension is 12 and the number_of_rings is 9, then the following Rings should be created.
Step = 0 allowed members = 12^0, token holders = 12^9 ( 5,159,780,352)
step = 1, allowed_members = 12^1, tokens = 12^8 (429,981,696)
step = 2, allowed_members = 12^2, tokens = 12^7 (35,831,808
step = 3, allowed_members = 12^3, tokens = 12^6 (2,985,984)
step = 4, allowed_members = 12^4, tokens = 12^5 (248,832)
step = 5, allowed_members = 12^5, tokens = 12^4 (20,736)
step = 6, allowed_members = 12^6, tokens = 12^3 (1,728)
step = 7, allowed_members = 12^7, tokens = 12^2 (144)
step = 8, allowed_members = 12^8, tokens = 12^1 (12)
step = 9, allowed_members = 12^9, tokens activated = 12^0 (1)
The initial migration must include saving a Wholomid with the following attributes: base_dimenion = 12, number_of_rings = 9, total_tokens = 12^9, name = “”. This will allow the developer to play with the front end and visualize that the code works as intended.
user – a foreign key on User
wholomid – a foreign key on wholomid
lowest_step – an integer in range [1, number_of_rings on wholomid]
assigned_tokens – a decimal number
User Token and the Wholomids are non-fungible
When the first WholomidUser is saved, the following output is expected:
lowest_step = 1, assigned_tokens = (ring step 1 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 2 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 3 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 4 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 5 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 6 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 7 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 8 tokens / allowed_members) + (ring step 9 tokens / allowed_members) = 36082380.08
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