Portex 1 – Sovereign Holders and Currents
Keyset 1 IperDTokens
Hyper Dimensional Exchange-Links HD..XL.. Capacitor Platform of IDentity 10 Dimensional-Placeholder
Keyset 2 – MultDcurrents
The platform for MultiDcurrents including Giftcurrents and other Portex Currents and Tokens. We create the exchange side of products and services. Activate the Giftcurrents and all the unique Tokensets and Currentsets.
100 Million a month Holomid Activity will bring in estimated $25,000,000 month gross return. Some direct sales organizations bring in 10 times this More than enough to grow the “Wolomid Side”, Well-Being.
Here’s a structural overview of IperDtokens.
Hyperdimensional plus ID is combined in name. Here is both a hyperdimensional structure and an ID for benefits token with a distribution function.
Wholomids have no hierarchy or levels. Benefits are distributed to each ring or sphere equally and proportionally. Dimension Zero is the interface between the inner side and the outer side. This is explained in the Dimension Zero Portex Section.
Wholomids and Dimension Zero have two sides. The inner side or subjective side or the Wolomid and the outer side or objective side or the Holomid. The IperDtokens are held by Dimension Zero, the inner side identity. Together, the term Wholomid.
The terms Wholomid and Holomid reference back to pyramid. Pyramid means of fire up to middle, while Wholomid means the Whole up the middle and Holomid means Holographic up the middle.
Wholonomics is intended to bring massive benefits to the token holders. As The Holomid becomes a bigger marketplace because many will want to use it.
The IperDtoken automatic issuing is a viral push for Wholonomics to grow exponentially. Here everyone can help and benefit just by shopping and offering value.
10 Dimensions of the IperDtoken Wholomid model
- Dimension Zero Wholomid the specific person or organization. There are 5,159,780,352 D0 IperDtokens
- 12 in Group – Family Dimension Wholomid 429,981,696 IperDtokens total
- 144 in Group – Tribe Dimension Wholomid 35,831,808 IperDtokens total
- 1,728 in Group – Community Dimension Wholomid 2,985,984 IperDtokens total
- 20,736 in Group – Primary Dimension Wholomid 248,832 IperDtokens
- 248,832 in Group – Local Dimension Wholomid 20,736 IperDtokens
- 2,985,984 in Group – Hub Dimension Wholomid 1,728 IperDtokens
- 35,831,808 in Group – Regional Dimension Wholomid 144 IperDtokens
- 429,981,696 in Group – Sectors Dimension Wholomid 12
- 5,159,780,352 in Group – Global Dimension Wholomid 1 IperDtokens
These are all the Wholomids, the total number of addresses issued. The names used may be different here
Everyone is assigned a 10 dimensional address that is linked to automatic MultiD Current and fiat disbursements. As more of the addresses are activated. Mostly the cash goes to build Wholonomics. Currents automatically accrue in the non fungible (unique) ID tokens driving participation. Have 5,159,780,352 address IDs.
MultiD Currents will be used for services and items available. They will be used in the Wholonomics University. Human possibilities trainings, free events, community assistance and so on. Just by having a IperDtoken they get many benefits. The more the Dimension Zero is active in using the network, the greater the benefits. For everyone.
MUTENS – Mutual Exchange-Network Scaling
Every exchange of value has “Collective Gain” or Xat (pronounced Zat) scaled through a harmonic micro-disbursement method. One might receive 1 MultiD Current and $0.10 for an exchange in their fourth dimension ring. But receiving small amounts from thousands of persons and operations, it adds up. Or, there could be much larger disbursements especially through other Portex exchanges.
MultiDcurrent Distribution design.
Visualize an icosahedron (Icosasphere) with 12 points.
Now imagine each Icosasphere with 12 places is a point of a larger second dimension Icosasphere.
- Our Two Dimensions has 12 times 12 = 144 Dimension Zeros.
- Now each of these points is also a 12 placed icosahedron. So now we have 1728 places. Dimension three.
- This continues to the next, Dimension Four Space with 12 X 12 X 12 X 12 Dimension Zeros, or 20728.
An objective will be to balance sharing between wealthy areas of the world and the less than wealthy areas. They means that the Wholomids will be a mix of wealthy area participants and less wealthy area participants.
Note at a later stage to icosaspheres are binary for inner and outer. First there is only one icosasphere not the two. To simplify.
One can visualize the structure through a Hyperdimensional Cubic Template. Another Way to Formulate the Wholomid
Each edge of which there are 12 to a cube is a cube making 12 cubes. Each of those edges become a cube so now there is 144 cubes. This repeated produces a space with 1738 cubes. To the next dimension of 20736 cubes.
Distribution of “Currents” – The Collective Sale Sharepool Distribution
Approximate Percentage Distribution
Each item has a formula attached as to % of price called the Xat of item cost.
There are 10 dimensions in the scale. Dimension Zero is the first, the reason to have this term, see section (link). 1 is 12 in the team 2 is 144 and so on up to 5,159,780,352
Maybe the model method is not the easiest way to code this. Perhaps with knowing the HyperID number of the buyer we would know to credit the related numbers according to schedule. All numbers with the same 2nd digit gets 1/12 of the 1/12 of the Xat (tax reversed) or commission. The next digit if same gets 144th of 12th. The next if same gets 1728th of 12th. The next gets 20,736th of 12th. These accrue in the ID even if empty until someone sign up and claims that ID Portex Code.
Maybe later the id to person can be switched around to be with family or community more directly. In the end one can spend the Currents or they can invest them into a project or they can cash them out as fiat or as Milaurum.
12th goes into a pool for the whole to benefit
6th goes into operations account in the form of Currents and they are empowered to spend the Xat cash for the benefit of the Wholomids proportionate to their Currents Account.
Each Current may have a stable coin value equal to one Milaurum. 5% of the cashflow goes to back the Milaurums by acquiring gold based assets. After the Current circulates 20 times, the Current is then fully backed and as it further circulates the percentage become more than 100%
Grouping 1 – 4-Dimension Wholomid
- Dimension Zero The person, or group rebated 1/12th
- Dimension 1 – persons, places, groups of 10 (12) 1/12th
- Dimension 2 – persons, places, groups of 100 (144)
- 1/12 evenly distributed transfers to the persons and groups who are Dimension 2 Ring of 100 (144)
- Dimension 3 – persons, places, groups of 1000 (1728)
- 1/12 evenly distributed to the persons and groups who are Dimension 3 Ring of 1000 (1728)
- Dimension 4– persons, places, groups of 10,000 (20,736)
- 1/12 evenly distributed transfers to the persons and groups who are Dimension 4 Ring of 10000 (20,736) The optimal size of a city is around 20,000 according to many studies
Ring of Global Distribution – 10% 1/12th distributed through the total.
PORTEX Override – 10% 1/12 goes to the portal of origination. These will be, non-profits or other organization who “enroll” their members. The portal sign-up organization. This focuses toward organizations who can themselves bring lots of groups and persons.
Operations – 20% (1/6th) distributed to function, maintain and develop new services, etc.
Empower the Wholomids 10% 1/12 distributed goes to prizes and contests or other award
10% (1/12) make freely available information and tools.
As the number of users and buyers go up the value of The Whole goes up.
75/25 Rule of Par – 75% of the price go to the Supplier with 25% used to fund the IperDtoken Wholomids.
Percentage are adjusted according to type of exchange transaction
Items with low margins such a bulk commodities have percentages closer to 90/10.
Virtual assets such as software or educational programs have ratios closer to 50/50.
Scalarization – parallel to Capitalization Process More advance step.
Icososphere of 10 (12) when completed circulates Current Credits (Pronounced Seas and Spelled Cs) in the amount of 100 (144) Cs or 10 (12) for each person.
Dimension Two of 100 (144) issue Cs in the amount of 1000 (1728) Wholo’Currents each or 100,000 base 12 total.
Dimension Three of 1000 (1728) when completed issues and adds Cs in the amount of 1000 Cs each for a total of 1,000,000 Cs. so each now has 1111 Cs
Dimension Four of 10,000 completes one primary Holomid. They issue and underwrite Cs in the amount of 10,000 each, totals 11111 Cs.
These Cs are backed by the total value. Pools of assets to cover the Cs
Scaling of “MUTENS” – Mutual Exchange Network Scaling.
As the activity of the whole goes up, Current assets are more available for The Person.
Dimension 1 – 10 Wholo’Currents
Dimension 2 – 144 Wholo’Currents
Dimension 3 – 1728 Wholo’Currents
Dimension 4 – 20,728 Wholo’Currents or around 5 billion Wholo’Current assets.
These circulate as new currency backed by the Whole value of the Different Reserves. They come into existence to make the transaction fluid and maintain liquidity. Through the platform this floats naturally up and down making for an active dynamic exchange process.
Control distributed dimensionally across scale
- Transparency of operations – Everyone can see what is happening
- Transparent macro processes while respecting the privacy of Dimension Zero.
- Self-Organizing Power of Decision Making becomes part of citizens’ everyday lives
- “Scalar” is used in three ways.
- In the physics sense of the energetic potential for action of the field at every point.
- In a mathematical sense as fractal relationships across scale, smaller with larger.
- And as a Wholo’space Economic Field.
The foundation for a transitional currency (Wholo’Currents) system that links the wealth through a distributed scaling platform of interconnected and interflowing value stations. Currents are value distribution systems that measure flows of wealth or values. Value flows do not need to be scarce. Currents can account for the needs on all levels of society. As a current is a flow it is easy to measure the wealth that is generated.
User interfaces user friendly and irresistible. The simplicity of the user experience and the viral model. Measuring outcome
Each dimension is interpenetrates it’s lower dimensions. Dimensions interconnect with all the other dimensions through a geometric code across scale. The Wholomid as a Whole forms the hardwiring geometry.
Dimensions interconnect and flow with all the other dimensions through a root 12 geometric code across scale, A dimensional form.
The Wholomid is a Whole geometry.
Why We Use a Base Dozen (12)?
- This sets the Wholonomics Wholomid as distinct. Try to find a base 12 calculator.
- We can more quickly deprogram by loosening one of their deepest collective anchors.
- Base 12 is used as Shared Geometry. All field templates have base 12 relationships. The Base Harmonic Geometry is 12.
- When 10 is written, it means 12 and 1/10 is 1/12 or 8.75% in the base 10 system. Two extra numerals are introduced; the star, *, written and pronounced “Dec,” and the Pound Hatchmark, #, written and pronounced “Ele.”
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,#
- If you had a clock that was fully base 12 it would have in place of ten oclock, dec oclock, eleven oclock is ele oclock. The number of minutes in an hour is written 50, equal to 60 base 10. One counts …8,9,*,#, 10 spoken twelve 12 base. Nineteen, decteen, eleteen, twentyfour (20), twenty nine, twenty dec, twenty ele, 36 minutes, up to forty nine, forty dec, forty ele 50.
- Using a 12 pointed or 12 ringed fractal space the natural arithmetic is base 12. This has been extended to dimensional and other distributions.
- An advantage of 12 over 10 is that you cannot take a 1/3 or a 1/4 of 10 and get an even number, whereas, you can with 12. Nor can you write a third of 10 as a decimal. The number goes on forever, 3.3333. . . Being able to take a third and a forth of your base number and get an whole number is very handy. A secondary advantage is that 12 has more divisors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, &12 verses 1, 2, 5, & 10 for base 10.
We have start-up crowdfunding for this “Token”. Available – 100,000,000 IperDtoken Giftcurrents. They are available for Milaurum each. A Milaurum Reserve Current is one thousandth oz or around $1.00.
Another topic: The Milaurum offer is for 1 billion units at $1.00 each. Equal to around 28 Metric Tons of gold. We will option gold assets or concentrate in storage with SKRs to back the Milaurum Current.
Scales of Value, both Social Value Scale Wholomid and Externals Value Scale cause percentages to flow to those who rate higher on the scales. This is a more advanced step.
The Wholomid is a transparent and liberating practical hyperdimensional root template for primary social-architecture. The Wholomid flows the scale-being benefits of the local and global by functioning together as a Whole allowing regeneration of natural social value.
Wholomids have two sides. The inner side or subjective side or the Wolomid and the outer side or objective side or the Holomid. The IperDtokens are the inner side identity. Together Wholomid. Dimension Zero is the object with the two sides.
We bring massive benefits to the token holders. As the outer side, The Holomid becomes a bigger marketplace because many will want to use it. The IperDtoken automatic issuing is a viral push for Wholonomics to grow exponentially. Here everyone can help and benefit just by shopping.
Wellbbeing benefits are available to the IperDtoken holders. The goal is to make true wellbeing available to everyone.
We generate a massive cash flow to make an increasing greater availability of well-being to the members.
The Globamid receives and disburses benefits to the IperDtoken holders and their Locamids.
Some Industry Sectors for Distribution
- “Mashups” – Unique new creations
- Top Nutritional
- Healthiest Cosmetics
- Organics
- Weight loss
- Household
- Fashion
- Jewelry
- Technologies
- Food
- Success Tools
IperDtokens Backend
- Customers & Contacts
CRM & Insights - Text & Email
Campaigns & Communications - Online Presence
Online Listings & Content - Appointment Booking
Calendar & Online Scheduling - Social Media
Social Posting & Promotions - Payments
Quotes, Invoices & Payment Processing
Backend Features
True Replicated Sites
Personalized URL
IperDtoken receive their own Personalized and Dedicated Subdomain
Personalized Header
Distributor and Supplier Info can be appear in the Header of Replicated Sites
Anomylized Header
Holder Phone/Email can be different from Account Phone/Email
My Parties Home Page
Replicated IperDtoken Holder dedicated Party Home Page lists upcoming parties
My Upcoming Parties
Upcoming parties also have dedicated URLS for hosting Virtual Parties
Public Profile
Public Profile Page is Optional
Replicated Corp ecommerce
Corporate Products/Shopping is replicated to all Replicated Site Owners
Replicated Corp Content
Corporate Site Content is replicated to all Replicated Site Owners
Replicated Corp Blog
Blog Posts are replicated to all Replicated Site IperDtoken Holders
Personal Customer Registrations. Customers registering on Replicated Site are tracked to Replicated Site
Guest Checkout – Guest Orders on Replicated Site are tracked to Owner and part of Personal Sales Volume Realtime Customer Tracking
All Personal Customer Orders are Tracked to Replicated Site Owners
Realtime Customer Order Tracking
Personal Customer Orders are in the Personal Sales Volume of Replicated Site Owner
Personal Distributor Joining
Distributors Joining on Replicated site are Tracked to Replicated Site Owner Realtime Distributor Tracking
Current Generation within a Genealogy are Tracked throughout
Realtime Holder Order Trackin
Holder’s Personal Orders within a Genealogy are Tracked throughout
Replicated Contact Form
Corporate Contact Form can send a CC to Replicated Site Owner
Member Back Office Suites
Realtime Sales Stats
Personal Sale Data displayed prominently on the Distributor Back Office
Private Shopping
Back Office Shopping with Preferred Pricing and Distributor Only Products
Manage Personal Customer
View Personal Customers, export with past Orders and more
Manage Personal Distributors
View Personal Distributors, current Sales Stats and Change Sponsor
Genealogy List View
View a Tree/List View of Genealogy with Hover triggered Sales Data
Genealogy Graphical Downline
View a Graphical Downline that is Animated and with Hover triggered Sales Data
Genealogy Graphical Radial View
View a Graphical Radial/Spider Web of Downline with Hover triggered Sales Data
Home Party Manager
Edit the look and feel of Home Party Page to market through Social Media
Sales Report
View Personal, Customer, Party or Group Sales Data
Downline Rank Report
Generate a report of Members’ Ranks and metrics required for next Rank
Usage Report
Generate a report of sales grouped by rings, your own, and each connected rings
Creator Celebration Party Reports
View orders related to Parties, Customer and prizes
Currents Earnings Report
Generate a report of Currents Earnings and Prizes
Profile Manager
Manage personal profile, replicated but non-fungible – unique URL and Public Anomylized data
Public Anonymizer
For Privacy, use a Vanity Name, Email and Phone – VRN
Profile Images – Upload Profile Image, Dashboard Cover Image and certain public page images
Personal eWallet – Member eWallets can receive commissions and payments, be used at Checkout and transferred to others
Personal Store Credit Wallet – Store Credits are similar to eWallets, but are non-transferrable or withdrawable
Corporate Training Area – Back Office area with Corporate provided PDFs, Training, Videos, Podcasts and more
On-Hand Order Placement
Hoder Personal Invoicing of On-Hand Products which can count towards Host Rewards
Party Plan Consultant Suites
Party Homepage URL
The Party Home page is a Sharable URL, where the content can be customized
Party Homepage Editor
The Party Home Page Editor allows the Public Home Page customization
Party Creator
Create a Party from the Back Office, assign a Host, Catalog and send Invites
Party Dedicated URL
Each Party receives a Dedicated URL for In-Person and/or Virtual Parties
Party Page Editor
The Party Editor allows the Public Party URL to be customized in its look feel
Host Manager
Select any Personal Customer as the Party Host or add a new Host instantly
Attendee Invitations
Send email invitations, using a Corporate Template and optionally require RSVP confirmation
Set Products for Creator Celebration Party
Select the entire company catalog or specific products to feature in a Party
Social Share Party Link
After creating a Party, click a button to share it on Facebook or Twitter
Party Manager
Create Parties, select a Host, set Catalog and Send Invitations
Place Party Orders
Place Party Orders from Invitation Link or From the Conlultant Back Office
Place Party POS Orders
POS-Styled Layout for easy Tablet Shopping at Person-to-Person Home Parties
Place Party On-Hand Orders
Distributor Personal Invoicing of On-Hand Products which can count towards Host Rewards
Bulk Ship to Host
Bulk Ship allows Discounted Ship Rates when shipping Customer Orders to Host Address
Bulk Ship to Consultant
Bulk Ship allows Discounted Ship Rates when shipping Customer Orders to Consultant Address
Direct Ship to Customer
Direct Ship allows Custom Fixed Rate when Direct Shipping to the Customer’s Address
Bulk Payment Checkout
Bulk Process multiple Orders with a Single CC from the Distributor BO Party Area
Split Payments
Place a partial payment on multiple cards or payment methods, including eWallet
Keep Retail Bonus
Distributors could Keep Retail Profit, when paying for Party Orders with their Own CC
Place Host Rewards
Many types of Host Rewards, from % of Party Sales to dedicated Host Exclusives and more
Place Booking Rewards
Book up coming Parties at an Existing Party and trigger more Host Rewards
Party Sales Reports
Generate a Report of Party Sales, Host Rewards and more
Split Payments Reports
Generate a Report of Split Payment Orders, and those having Balances to Pay
Party Plan Admin Suite
Host Rewards Unlimited Tiers
Corp can set and manage unlimited tiers of Host Rewards, Exclusives and Booking Rewards
Booking Rewards
Booking Rewards are Host Rewards based on the booking of Upcomming Parties at the Current Party
Parties Manager
Corp can Search Parties, modify Status, view Orders and Rewards of specific Parties
Party Orders
Access all orders of a Specific Party, including Ship and Payment status of each
Party Split/Partial Payments
Allow Consultants to Split Payments across Multiple Cards
Pending Party Bulk Checkout
Access all orders stored on a Party for Bulk Checkout that are Pending Payment
Pending Party Bulk Ship
Access all orders stored for Bulk Shipping, that may be Pending shipment
Pending Party Closed Shipping
Access all Paid Orders stored that may be pending Shipment on Party Closure
Party Invitation Templates
Create Branded Party Invitation Templates for your Consultants
Party Page Templates
Corp can provide different Party Page Templates, such as for Holidays
PORTEX 1 – 10 Dimensional IperDtokens LAUNCH – AMOUNT: $125,000
Configure the Chain-Field with the distribution rules
Distribution Architecture – The Holopex Continuum – Everyone has an equal seat at the table.
Interfacing application with MultiDcurrents
Managing ID distributions
Handling IperD interfaces
Processing Distributions
Track IperD Value Accounts
Stats etc.
Becoming Integration ready – $20,000
with Wholochain Tech
Awe.cards OmniWallet
Launching Holoship Campaign – $25,000
- Form Holo’ship Team
- Choose themes generating interest and enthusiasm. Display theme everywhere. Show the results
- Set Goals – the Holoship Team sets goals. Reasonable attainable, challenging.
- Target Potential Holoship team members
- Assign specific responsibilities: Retaining, Recruiting, Increasing involvement Asking others to join
- Plan
- Sell the Holoship Value making sure they find value and renew. Emphasize what they get. motivation through on-going communication, opportunities to volunteer, and recognition. number one benefit is the ability to help their own family and friends and other.
- Incentivize Awards/Prizes: Offer Giftcurrents to members for joining. Offer discounts.
- Ongoing Campaigns Every event or communication is a chance to have more people join, so always have your sign-up and information ready. Ask parents to join. Ask their kids.table at major events. Include Holoship materials
Assign a specific person to be in charge of coordinating the different events, but involve all members.
- Evaluate and Adjust Accordingly Continuously seek feedback from Holoships on issues such as: How many new they are recruiting. How they are helping these new members acclimate and get involved. How many are staying active. the evaluation is done through a formal survey or informal communication, systematic, recorded, and used to adjust and improve the goals of the Holoship Team.
Sites Structure
- com – Wholonomic Gift Current Crowdfunding Offers. This site is focused on the initial funding raise for Wholonomics. Wholonomics is a project fundamentally dedicated to moving Humanity from Civilization 2.0 Pyranomics to Civilization 3.0 – Wholonomics based on the understanding that everything is inherently whole from the atomic to the cosmic.
- We are using a unique approach by issuing Wholonomic Gift Currents (IGCO – Initial Gift Current Offer). These are pre security token crowdfunding offerings. These currents have no financial promises attached to them so are not securities. Instead they will be able to be paired with products and services offers to give them non-security value.
- The total available Wholo Gift Currents will 1,000,000,000 (billion). They can be exchanged by monetary donations or through time (chronocurrents) Initially 1 hour of contribution earns 1000 Gift Currents making a total number of hours 1,000,000 (billion divided by 1,000). The amount received per hour will go down according to an algorithmis pattern as the structure builds out. Gifting resources like rental space, computers, etc can result in receiving Gift Currents. The goal is to create the Gift Currents to have a value of over $1 each. See Millaurums.
- A primary purpose of Wholonomics is as an educational vehicle. The Wholonomic Alliance will use a social NetsWorth www.Wholo.club to communicate and evolve solutions. We host articles, videos, audio, groups (both open and closed and secret), teams and project management, fund raising, invites mechanism. Just being a customer you become part of the Iperdtoken Wholomid. NetsWorth Wealthworks will be supported by transferring of Supply revenue to the Wolomid. For persons who understand we need a pathway to a new foundation and expression.
- Organize a Wholonomics Summit to invite persons interested in Wholonomics Civilization. First a virtual summit moving to a physical summit, then an ongoing University. Video presentations will allow presenters who cannot attend to offer interactive presentations to participant both onsite and offsite. We will invite experienced event organizers to help to create it. Unlike a summit like Start Engine this will have educational and project development formats for introducing the most innovative creative functional solutions for moving to Civilization 3.0.
- Topics for moving from Pyranomics to Wholonomics
- What organizations are aligned such as holochain, metachain, Earth Dollar, Vertex Fintech, P2P Foundation
- Goverance – Wholotics
- Re-cognizing value exchange
- Transployment – Transcending the employment / unemployment model
- Team creation – Wholo Teams – Teams in Wholonomic Civilization
- Beyond Global Blockchain models
- Transitioning from present systems
- HyperDimensional Economics
Team persons will receive Gift Currents per hour with a total of 1,000,000 hours budgeted for launch.
10% of the funding or net revenue will go to buy back the Chrono Gift Currents. So let’s say that we raise $5,000,000. $500,000 becomes available to buy back the Gift Currents. If 1,000,000 Chrono Gift Currents are generated (1000 hours). That means they are redeemable for $500 per hour each in fiat or crypto. If the person waits until say the revenue-raise becomes $10,000,000 with a $1,000,000 buy back pool. The person will receive $1,000 per hour. I want to take this model and expand it to all project portions. When the raise is completed with $1,000,000,000, the 1,000,000 Chrono Hours will receive $1,000 per Chrono Hour.
Wholonomics.org – Wholonomics University – School of The Whole – WholoTeams Project Portex
Wholonomics. Net NetsWorth see Wholonomics Portex link
Wholonomics.io (info) Process Paper
Wholonomics.shop Prototype to bulk edit and publish millions of products and services as basis for IperDtoken Giftcurrents to activate all the Portexes unique Tokensets and Currentsets.
ICO type offers/fundraising/ crowdsourcing. site that can be easily altered. And used to template others.
Raising millions per offer.
Wholonomics Gift Currents .com
Milaurum.io/com (1,000th oz per Current) Giftcurrent
hdxl.io or the actual NetsWorth/WealthWork IperDtoken operation
Creatorcelebration.com Get domain
WWzero.io Ending World War Zero against the people GET DOMAIN
Paradigm.io GET DOMAIN
pyranomics.com GET SITE STARTED
Amount $2,000,000 for 200,000,000 Gift Currents out of 1,000,000,000 total Gift Current pools.
These will be transferable into a variety of other Value Holders (VH) including items.
Initial Legal Assistance – $25,000
Core Team Coming together – $100,000
IperDtokens and multiDtokens – Portal one -$120,000
· $25,000 to market
· 50,000 for core system
· 35,000 to modify core system
· 25,000 to create a committed team
· 25,000 build out supply side
Wholonomics.org/.club – Project Networking Site –with hundreds of persons working together to birth Wholonomics Civilization Set-up conditions for many to contribute to an understanding of Wholonomics. 10,000
Wholonomics.com – Gift Current Crowdfunding site – 10,000
Wholonomics.io – upgrade – 5,000
Wholodapp.exchange – 40,000
Public Release of Wholonomics – 50,000
Currents Templating Development 50,000
Security Token Exchange Development – 100,000
EcoChange Architecture – 40,000
Seeding the other Portals – $480,000 $20,000 times 24 portals See details on site
Awe.cards Omniwallet Development $20,000
Reserve Current Development and Build-out– $120,000 Reserve Note Funding of Wholonomic Projects – $30,000
CoXexus NetsWorth Supply Chain Platform Development – $100,000
Wholonomics Summit – $10,000
WholodEXchange – Security Token Exchange Development – $100,000
The advent of new technologies enables us to create an asset token exchange which is compliant with the SEC Regulations. These will come under the bracket of Alternative Trading System (ATS) for Cryptocurrency.
We can develop an STO exchange platform for our users.
Security Exchange Development Features
Security Exchange Platform
BAF Security Exchange Platform allows us to create our own security token exchange and then connect to the main networks. This will ensure that the liquidity of the exchanges is maintained.
There is a need for exchange platforms in the market and we can bridge the gap.
Connecting to External Exchanges
Our API will connect with external security ATS exchanges to increase liquidity. The liquidity will be based on the security token deposited in the external account. As an exchange operator, we create an account for the business at any external exchange for a liquidity dependent on the amount deposit.
Order Matching
The BAF Matching Engine will automatically pair orders between buyers and sellers at the best market price using several different methods both because of different circumstances and token attributes and for testing the methods.
There are also different types of orders like market orders and limit orders.
Fund Management
The integrated awe.cards Omniwallet platform will manage all security token transactions in an automated way. The users of the platform can either control fiat-currency automatically or manually with unique processing features and interface with banks.
Holo’Escrow System
Asset coins will be exchanged between buyers and sellers using a trusted third party or by a smart contract.
Automatic payments to the users, once the escrow is released with any delays in processing time.
All Currency Transactions
We can integrate any currency in the BAF Security Token Exchange Software. Any cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin or any fiat-currency like US Dollars, Chinese RMB can be embedded into the BAF exchange. As well as Reserve Currents and MultiDtoken items.
Any Language
WholoDEXchange will support multiple languages such as Arabic, Mandarin, Russian etc. All these integrated as multiple languages into the system. The languages will seamlessly integrate into WholoDEXchange.
Payment Gateway Integration
The platform will be integrated into a payment gateway, allowing the users to buy and sell using fiat currencies via credit cards, debit cards, and other payment systems. These will be integrated to create a hassle-free ecosystem.
Security Exchange Development Benefits
Extremely Secure
Four Layer Security that consists of Separated servers, Encrypted Access to users, 2-Factor Authentication and Offline VPN Transmittal. DDoS protection, X-XSS-Protection, HTTP Public Key Pinning and Content Security Policy (CSP) Protection.
Optimal Customization
Design and host WholoDEXchange in our IT infrastructure which is most favourable and user-friendly for our users.
99.9% Uptime
WholoDEXhange platforms will always be running due to three key aspects:
DNS Failover
Geo IP Routing
Distributed Server Architecture
This will ensure that the asset exchange platform will remain always online.
The Security Token section of the WholoDEXchange has the capability for hedge functions.
WholoDEXchange Development – $100,000
Transactions are recorded on the blockchain, paving way for the decentralized value exchange. Note to investor: Creating WholoDEXchange, you can be a part of the Billion dollar revolution coming our way. Once you get to know the way exchanges work it will help you understand crypto trade behavior with ease.
We are pioneers developing a complete exchange to among other purposes facilitate secure and fast transactions.
We have a team of experienced blockchain developers to build a customizable and scalable exchange platform with a high focus on security, connectivity, and seamless environment.
WholoD.Exchange Software
We use custom build white label exchange software. customizing it according to requirements saving crucial time and unforeseen costs through white label solutions.
Benefits to WholoD.EXchange software
- Matching Engine with 20,000 TPS
- Cost effective than from building from scratch
- Highly customizable
- Providing Liquidity through order routing
Further Platform Features
Leverage Trading
Effective risk management to reduce stop loss and thereby, increase the number of trades.
Margin Trading
Borrowing coins to trade in the platform to make a profit and return to the lender at a predefined rate.
Order Sharing
BAF Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform allows to mirror orders optionally and increasing liquidity.
Integrated IperDTokens
Holders will get direct payment for all trades.
Exchange Platform Features
Matching Engine
The matching engine supports 150k orders per second and different types of orders.
Multicurrency Awe.cards OmniiWallet
Multicurrency Wallet supporting with multiple payment and withdrawal methods.
Mobile Application
On the Move Trading while Tracking Live Market Information, Live Price Alerts in iOS or Android devices.
Payment Gateway Integration
Users can deposit and withdraw via Visa/Mastercard, Wire Transfers, and other methods.
API Integration
Any coin or current can be integrated to the exchange with integration mail service and SMS service providers.
Multi-language support
The exchange will support multiple languages, including Mandarin, Korean, French, and Russian.
Admin Backend Panel
Can view all current functions, including KYC, Tickets issued, Referrals and all transactions
SEO/SEM Enabled
Text readable SEO widget allows admin to add focus keywords, which will turn up on Google search.
Process of Launching WholoDEXchange Platform
Step 1
- Requirement Gathering, Exchange Preparation
Step 2
- Vanilla Exchange Product installation with jurisdictional changes based on the geography of exchange incorporation
Step 3
- Match Engine Installation as per requirements
Step 4
- Integration of different blockchains into the Exchange
Step 5
- Enhancing the Security Features
Step 6
- Listing of the Coins/Tokens on to the Exchange
Step 7
- Handing Over the Exchange
Types of CoXexus NetsWorth Orders
Market Order
A Market Order will allow the user to trade at the current price. The user can set a market buy or market sell in order to protect themselves from slippage in a volatile market.
Limit Order
A Limit Order will allow users to trade by placing an order on the hopes that it will be fulfilled by someone else’s market order. The orders are not limited to slippage due to volatility in the market. The user can set a Limit Buy or Limit Sell.
Stop Order
Stop Order is a conditional market order where the user sells the order after reaching a specified price. A user can set a Stop Buy or Stop Sell/Loss thereby taking precautionary actions.
Buy Stop Order
Buy Stop order or Stop Loss order is placed when the stop price is about or below the market price. This is used either to limit a loss or protect the profit on a in the exchange.
Copy Order
Copy Order is an order where a user receives updates on the top crypto-traders and copy their trades. This will help beginners to the crypto-trading. The top order would receive a commission based on the earnings of the copy trader.
P2P Trading
Peer to Peer Trading allows buyers and sellers to negotiate a price before a coin/token is transferred. The cryptocurrency is stored on escrow, thereby ensuring safety of the coin. Only when the buyer and seller agree is when the transaction is completed.
Crypto Exchange Security
HTTP Authentication
Most secure HTTP Authentication tokens, such as OAuth.
Jail Login
Prevention of multiple failed login attempts for a fixed amount of time.
Encrypted Data
Encryption of data transmission protects credentials and other information.
Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF) Protection
Protection against state-changing requests and other unwanted actions from the user side.
Anti-Denial of Service (DDoS)
Defending the exchange against large requests to the server.
Anti- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Protecting the exchange from overwhelming traffic originating from multiple sources.
Server-Side Request Forgery(SSRF) Protection
Protection of internal systems from an attack sent from vulnerable web applications.
HTTP Parameter Pollution Protection
Evasion of Web Attack due to the HTTP request protecting hidden information.
Escrow System
The coin is exchanged between buyers and sellers using a trusted third party or smart contract.
Wallet Security
Secured Wallets
Stored in secured e-wallets that are built on the blockchain to enable safe and secure storage.
Multisignature Wallets
Multisignature adds an additional layer of security for transactions. Multisignature wallet addresses require another user or users sign a transaction from the wallet.
Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) is a method of confirming a user’s identity by utilizing two different factors, Private Keys & QR Scanner.
Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC)
The wallet address consists of a public-key cryptography, based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. The address will be in the form of an alpha-numeric structure.
Choosing Right Platform
exchange platform development have higher transactions per second and able to handle high volumes. The trading platform free from system crashes, server issues, and other irregular behaviors that could cause reputational issues.
Market & Liquidity
The exchange must be able to weather unexpected contingencies in the market.
Incorporation & Regulation
The critical aspect of developing exchange is to incorporate in crypto-friendly countries, with a focus on operating in a global market. Regulations, such as KYC, AML & GDPR, must be followed as per jurisdiction.
A secure banking facility is a highly critical component and the strategy must have an agreement with the bank as soon as possible. Depending on the location of the exchange, formal banking is not important.
- Use Whitelabeled Exchange Software
- Fully Secure blockchain based
- private cloud
- Alt-Coin Exchange
- Bitcoin deposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Ripple deposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Litecoin deposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Bitcoin Cash deposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Ethereum deposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Dutch Auction Buy orders based on conditions / Sell orders based on conditions
- Trade between users
- API Integration
- TradeMatching Engine
- Paypal deposits for customers, Stripe deposits for customers
- Change Transaction Fees for buy and sell
- Detailed Reports with filters
- Multi Current Support
- Multisignature Wallet
- Highly Customized UI/UX
- Multi-Language Support
- Anti-Phishing Code
- CSRF & SSRF Protection
- Elliptic-curve cryptography Wallet
- DDoS protection,X-XSS-Protection
- HTTP Public Key Pinning CSP Protection
- BAF Blockchain Experts Support for your exchange
- Advanced Exchange Views
- Payment Gateway Integration
- SEO/SEM Enabled
Awe.cards OmniRingDevelopment – $40,000
Awe.Cards prototype into beta
- Secured Authentication & Authorization
- Send and Receive Function
- Billing and Invoice
- Admin Panel
- Windows/Linux/Mac Wallet
- iOS App
- Android App
- Push Notifications
- Airdrops to Crowdfunders
- Smart QR
- Buy/Sell advice based on average cost per coin
- Account labeling, color coding, budgeting and separate business/identity management
- Automatic generation of a new public key for each transaction + manual one-touch address generation
- Alerts/Feeds
- Decide what exchange to pull your price
- Payment gateway integrations
- Multiple Cryptocurrency
- Import/Export private keys to a new wallet for the same user
- Optional Timed Logout
- Optional Password Protection
- Automatic denial of payment to the same address twice
- Client-side private key storage
- Zero Knowledge on Private Key
- Device Validation
Legal Security
- Legal Contract
Different partner programs promotional, co-branding, card issuer and distribution opportunities.
- Increase security through tokenization and encryption
- Control “Virtual Top of Wallet”
- Leverage payment-level data, including purchases made across entire wallet
- Learn more about consumer, retailers and preferred payment methods
- Build competitive brand differentiation and card loyalty
co-branding program offers chance to take promotional partnership to the next level.
Build loyalty, add a new premium element
reward customer base
Cards customized to include logo or colors on the card itself in conjunction with OUR logo and design.
Reward with an exclusive co-branded Awe Card. Customize Cards to help fit brand & style
- Sell a one-of-a-kind mobile payment solution with proven market potential. Introduce a break-through new product to new markets
Timely delivery of reliable, quality, innovative card with outstanding customer service, education, sales support and marketing programs.
- Broaden product lines to drive incremental revenues. Acquire new customers.
Working with partners who share a vision to create a secure ecosystem for payments, identification and access.
The Connected Card is based on the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard supported by the majority of smartphones.
Card will be backward compatible with existing POS systems using Dual Stripe Technology. The preferred and familiar form for consumers everywhere, the ideal approach to the adoption of a simpler way of living.
- Works on new integrated mobile wallet & card solutions
- Develop the latest in loyalty marketing & card offers
- Evolve business travel & expense management
- Create a more secure financial management & payment environment
- Strengthen identity & access management
- Usable to transact with Crypto exchanges
Portex 1 – Sovereign Holders and Currents
Keyset 1 IperDTokens
Hyper Dimensional Exchange-Links HD..XL.. Platform of IDentity 10 Dimensional-Placeholders
Keyset 2 – MultDcurrents
Platform for MultiDcurrents including Giftcurrents and other Portex Currents and Tokens. We create the supply side of products and services. Activates the Giftcurrents and all the unique Tokensets and Currentsets.
Million a month sales will bring in estimated $250,000 month gross return. More than enough to run and grow. Some direct sales organizations bring in 100 times this. This is used by the Globamid to provide benefits for the IperDtoken holders and the Locamids.
Some Industry Sectors
- “Mashups”
- Nutritional
- Cosmetics
- Organics
- Weight loss
- Household
- Fashion
- Jewelry
- Technologies
- Food
- Household products
- Success Tools
- Financials
Here’s a structural overview of IperDtokens. Hyperdimensional plus ID combined in name. This is both a hyperdimensional structure and an ID for benefits token function.
Wholomids have no hierarchy or levels. Benefits are distributed to each ring or sphere equally and proportionally. Dimension Zero is the interface between the inner side and the outer side. This is explained in the Dimension Zero Portex Section.
Wholomids have two sides. The inner side or subjective side or the Wolomid and the outer side or objective side or the Holomid. The IperDtokens are the inner side identity. Together Wholomid. Dimension Zero is the object with the two sides.
We bring massive benefits to the token holders. As the outer side, The Holomid becomes a bigger marketplace because many will want to use it. The IperDtoken automatic issuing is a viral push for Wholonomics to grow exponentially. Here everyone can help and benefit just by shopping.
The terms Wholomid and Holomid reference back to pyramid. Pyramid means of fire up to middle, while Wholomid means the Whole up the middle and Holomid means Holographic up the middle.
10 Dimensions of the IperDtoken Wholomid model
- Dimension Zero Wholomid the specific person or organization. There are 5,159,780,352 D0 IperDtokens
- 12 in Group – Family Dimension Wholomid 429,981,696 IperDtokens total
- 144 in Group – Tribe Dimension Wholomid 35,831,808 IperDtokens total
- 1,728 in Group – Community Dimension Wholomid 2,985,984 IperDtokens total
- 20,736 in Group – Primary Dimension Wholomid 248,832 IperDtokens
- 248,832 in Group – Local Dimension Wholomid 20,736 IperDtokens
- 2,985,984 in Group – Hub Dimension Wholomid 1,728 IperDtokens
- 35,831,808 in Group – Regional Dimension Wholomid 144 IperDtokens
- 429,981,696 in Group – Sectors Dimension Wholomid 12
- 5,159,780,352 in Group – Global Dimension Wholomid 1 IperDtokens
These are all the Wholomids, the total number of addresses issued. The names used may be different here
Everyone is assigned a 10 dimensional address that is linked to automatic MultiD Current and fiat disbursements. As more of the addresses are activated. Mostly the cash goes to build Wholonomics. Currents automatically accrue in the non fungible (unique) ID tokens driving participation. Have 5,159,780,352 address IDs.
MultiD Currents will be used for services and items available. They will be used in the Wholonomics University. Human possibilities trainings, free events, community assistance and so on. Just by having a IperDtoken they get many benefits. The more the Dimension Zero is active in using the network, the greater the benefits. For everyone.
MUTENS – Mutual Exchange-Network Scaling
- Every exchange of value has “Collective Gain” or Xat (pronounced Zat) scaled through a harmonic micro-disbursement method. One might receive 1 MultiD Current and $0.10 for an exchange in their fourth dimension ring. But receiving small amounts from thousands of persons and operations, it adds up. Or, there could be much larger disbursements especially through other Portex exchanges.
MultiDcurrent Distribution design.
Visualize an icosahedron (Icosasphere) with 12 points.
- Now imagine each Icosasphere with 12 places is a point of a larger second dimension Icosasphere.
- Our Two Dimensions has 12 times 12 = 144 Dimension Zeros.
- Now each of these points is also a 12 placed icosahedron. So now we have 1728 places. Dimension three.
- This continues to the next, Dimension Four Space with 12 X 12 X 12 X 12 Dimension Zeros, or 20728.
An objective will be to balance sharing between wealthy areas of the world and the less than wealthy areas. They means that the Wholomids will be a mix of wealthy area participants and less wealthy area participants.
Note at a later stage to icosaspheres are binary for inner and outer. First there is only one icosasphere not the two. To simplify.
One can visualize the structure through a Hyperdimensional Cubic Template. Another Way to Formulate the Wholomid
Each edge of which there are 12 to a cube is a cube making 12 cubes. Each of those edges become a cube so now there is 144 cubes. This repeated produces a space with 1738 cubes. To the next dimension of 20736 cubes.
Distribution of “Currents” – The Collective Sale Sharepool Distribution
Approximate Percentage Distribution
Each item has a formula attached as to % of price called the Xat of item cost.
There are 10 dimensions in the scale. Dimension Zero is the first, the reason to have this term, see section (link). 1 is 12 in the team 2 is 144 and so on up to 5,159,780,352
Maybe the model method is not the easiest way to code this. Perhaps with knowing the HyperID number of the buyer we would know to credit the related numbers according to schedule. All numbers with the same 2nd digit gets 1/12 of the 1/12 of the Xat (tax reversed) or commission. The next digit if same gets 144th of 12th. The next if same gets 1728th of 12th. The next gets 20,736th of 12th. These accrue in the ID even if empty until someone sign up and claims that ID Portex Code.
Maybe later the id to person can be switched around to be with family or community more directly. In the end one can spend the Currents or they can invest them into a project or they can cash them out as fiat or as Milaurum.
12th goes into a pool for the whole to benefit
6th goes into operations account in the form of Currents and they are empowered to spend the Xat cash for the benefit of the Wholomids proportionate to their Currents Account.
Each Current may have a stable coin value equal to one Milaurum. 5% of the cashflow goes to back the Milaurums by acquiring gold based assets. After the Current circulates 20 times, the Current is then fully backed and as it further circulates the percentage become more than 100%
Grouping 1 – 4-Dimension Wholomid
- Dimension Zero The person, or group rebated 1/12th
- Dimension 1 – persons, places, groups of 10 (12) 1/12th
- Dimension 2 – persons, places, groups of 100 (144)
- 1/12 evenly distributed transfers to the persons and groups who are Dimension 2 Ring of 100 (144)
- Dimension 3 – persons, places, groups of 1000 (1728)
- 1/12 evenly distributed to the persons and groups who are Dimension 3 Ring of 1000 (1728)
- Dimension 4– persons, places, groups of 10,000 (20,736)
- 1/12 evenly distributed transfers to the persons and groups who are Dimension 4 Ring of 10000 (20,736) The optimal size of a city is around 20,000 according to many studies
Ring of Global Distribution – 10% 1/12th distributed through the total.
PORTEX Override – 10% 1/12 goes to the portal of origination. These will be, non-profits or other organization who “enroll” their members. The portal sign-up organization. This focuses toward organizations who can themselves bring lots of groups and persons.
Operations – 20% (1/6th) distributed to function, maintain and develop new services, etc.
Empower the Wholomids 10% 1/12 distributed goes to prizes and contests or other awards
10% (1/12) make freely available information and tools.
As the number of users and buyers go up the value of The Whole goes up.
75/25 Rule of Par – 75% of the price go to the Supplier with 25% used to fund the IperDtoken Wholomids.
Percentage are adjusted according to type of exchange transaction
Items with low margins such a bulk commodities have percentages closer to 90/10.
Virtual assets such as software or educational programs have ratios closer to 50/50.
Scalarization – parallel to Capitalization Process More advance step.
Icososphere of 10 (12) when completed circulates Current Credits (Pronounced Seas and Spelled Cs) in the amount of 100 (144) Cs or 10 (12) for each person.
Dimension Two of 100 (144) issue Cs in the amount of 1000 (1728) Wholo’Currents each or 100,000 base 12 total.
Dimension Three of 1000 (1728) when completed issues and adds Cs in the amount of 1000 Cs each for a total of 1,000,000 Cs. so each now has 1111 Cs
Dimension Four of 10,000 completes one primary Holomid. They issue and underwrite Cs in the amount of 10,000 each, totals 11111 Cs.
These Cs are backed by the total value. Pools of assets to cover the Cs.
Scaling of “MUTENS” – Mutual Exchange Network Scaling.
As the activity of the whole goes up, Current assets are more available for The Person.
Dimension 1 – 10 Wholo’Currents
Dimension 2 – 144 Wholo’Currents
Dimension 3 – 1728 Wholo’Currents
Dimension 4 – 20,728 Wholo’Currents or around 5 billion Wholo’Current assets.
These circulate as new currency backed by the Whole value of the Different Reserves. They come into existence to make the transaction fluid and maintain liquidity. Through the platform this floats naturally up and down making for an active dynamic exchange process.
Control distributed dimensionally across scale
- Blockchain Later step
- Transparency of operations – Everyone can see what is happening
- Transparent macro processes while respecting the privacy of Dimension Zero.
- Self-Organizing Power of Decision Making becomes part of citizens’ everyday lives
- “Scalar” is used in three ways.
- In the physics sense of the energetic potential for action of the field at every point.
- In a mathematical sense as fractal relationships across scale, smaller with larger.
- And as a Wholo’space Economic Field.
The foundation for a transitional currency (Wholo’Currents) system that links the wealth through a distributed scaling platform of interconnected and interflowing value stations. Currents are value distribution systems that measure flows of wealth or values. Value flows do not need to be scarce. Currents can account for the needs on all levels of society. As a current is a flow it is easy to measure the wealth that is generated.
User interfaces user friendly and irresistible. The simplicity of the user experience and the viral model. Measuring outcome
Each dimension is interpenetrates it’s lower dimensions. Dimensions interconnect with all the other dimensions through a geometric code a
cross scale. The Wholomid as a Whole forms the hardwiring geometry.
Dimensions interconnect and flow with all the other dimensions through a root 12 geometric code across scale, A dimensional form.
The Wholomid is a Whole geometry.
Why We Use a Base Dozen (12)?
- This sets the Wholonomics Wholomid as distinct. Try to find a base 12 calculator.
- We can more quickly deprogram by loosening one of their deepest collective anchors.
- Base 12 is used as Shared Geometry. All field templates have base 12 relationships. The Base Harmonic Geometry is 12.
- When 10 is written, it means 12 and 1/10 is 1/12 or 8.75% in the base 10 system. Two extra numerals are introduced; the star, *, written and pronounced “Dec,” and the Pound Hatchmark, #, written and pronounced “Ele.”
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,#
- If you had a clock that was fully base 12 it would have in place of ten oclock, dec oclock, eleven oclock is ele oclock. The number of minutes in an hour is written 50, equal to 60 base 10. One counts …8,9,*,#, 10 spoken twelve 12 base. Nineteen, decteen, eleteen, twentyfour (20), twenty nine, twenty dec, twenty ele, 36 minutes, up to forty nine, forty dec, forty ele 50.
- Using a 12 pointed or 12 ringed fractal space the natural arithmetic is base 12. This has been extended to dimensional and other distributions.
- An advantage of 12 over 10 is that you cannot take a 1/3 or a 1/4 of 10 and get an even number, whereas, you can with 12. Nor can you write a third of 10 as a decimal. The number goes on forever, 3.3333. . . Being able to take a third and a forth of your base number and get an whole number is very handy. A secondary advantage is that 12 has more divisors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, &12 verses 1, 2, 5, & 10 for base 10.
Another topic: We have start-up crowdfunding for this “Token”. Available – 100,000,000 IperDtoken Giftcurrents. They are available for X Milaurum each or X each. A Milaurum Reserve Current is one thousandth oz or around $1.00.
Another topic: The Milaurum offer is for 1 billion units at $1.00 each. Equal to around 28 Metric Tons of gold. We will option gold assets or concentrate in storage with SKRs to back the Milaurum Current.
Scales of Value, both Social Value Scale Wholomid and Externals Value Scale cause percentages to flow to those who rate higher on the scales. This is a more advanced step.
The Wholomid is a transparent and liberating practical hyperdimensional root template for primary social-architecture. The Wholomid flows the scale-being benefits of the local and global by functioning together as a Whole allowing regeneration of natural social value.
Wholomids have two sides. The inner side or subjective side or the Wolomid and the outer side or objective side or the Holomid. The IperDtokens are the inner side identity. Together Wholomid. Dimension Zero is the object with the two sides.
We bring massive benefits to the token holders. As the outer side, The Holomid becomes a bigger marketplace because many will want to use it. The IperDtoken automatic issuing is a viral push for Wholonomics to grow exponentially. Here everyone can help and benefit just by shopping.
Wellbeing benefits are available to the IperDtoken holders. The goal is to make true wellbeing available to everyone.
We generate a massive cash flow to make an increasing greater availability of well-being to the members.
IperDtokens Backend
Customers & Contacts
CRM & Insights
Text & Email
Campaigns & Communications
Online Presence
Online Listings & Content
Appointment Booking
Calendar & Online Scheduling
Social Media
Social Posting & Promotions
Quotes, Invoices & Payment Processing
Backend Features
True Replicated Sites
Personalized URL
IperDtoken receive their own Personalized and Dedicated Subdomain
Personalized Header
Distributor and Supplier Info can be appear in the Header of Replicated Sites
Anomylized Header
Holder Phone/Email can be different from Account Phone/Email
My Parties Home Page
Replicated IperDtoken Holder dedicated Party Home Page lists upcoming parties
My Upcoming Parties
Upcoming parties also have dedicated URLS for hosting Virtual Parties
Public Profile
Public Profile Page is Optional
Replicated Corp ecommerce
Corporate Products/Shopping is replicated to all Replicated Site Owners
Replicated Corp Content
Corporate Site Content is replicated to all Replicated Site Owners
Replicated Corp Blog
Blog Posts are replicated to all Replicated Site IperDtoken Holders
Personal Customer Registrations. Customers registering on Replicated Site are tracked to Replicated Site
Guest Checkout – Guest Orders on Replicated Site are tracked to Owner and part of Personal Sales Volume Realtime Customer Tracking
All Personal Customer Orders are Tracked to Replicated Site Owners
Realtime Customer Order Tracking
Personal Customer Orders are in the Personal Sales Volume of Replicated Site Owner
Personal Distributor Joining
Distributors Joining on Replicated site are Tracked to Replicated Site Owner Realtime Distributor Tracking
Current Generation within a Genealogy are Tracked throughout
Realtime Holder Order Tracking
Holder’s Personal Orders within a Genealogy are Tracked throughout
Replicated Contact Form
Corporate Contact Form can send a CC to Replicated Site Owner
Member Back Office Suites
Realtime Sales Stats
Personal Sale Data displayed prominently on the Distributor Back Office
Private Shopping
Back Office Shopping with Preferred Pricing and Distributor Only Products
Manage Personal Customer
View Personal Customers, export with past Orders and more
Manage Personal Distributors
View Personal Distributors, current Sales Stats and Change Sponsor
Genealogy List View
View a Tree/List View of Genealogy with Hover triggered Sales Data
Genealogy Graphical Downline
View a Graphical Downline that is Animated and with Hover triggered Sales Data
Genealogy Graphical Radial View
View a Graphical Radial/Spider Web of Downline with Hover triggered Sales Data
Home Party Manager
Edit the look and feel of Home Party Page to market through Social Media
Sales Report
View Personal, Customer, Party or Group Sales Data
Downline Rank Report
Generate a report of Members’ Ranks and metrics required for next Rank
Usage Report
Generate a report of sales grouped by rings, your own, and each connected rings
Creator Celebration Party Reports
View orders related to Parties, Customer and prizes
Currents Earnings Report
Generate a report of Currents Earnings and Prizes
Profile Manager
Manage personal profile, replicated but non-fungible – unique URL and Public Anomylized data
Public Anonymizer
For Privacy, use a Vanity Name, Email and Phone – VRN
Profile Images – Upload Profile Image, Dashboard Cover Image and certain public page images
Personal eWallet – Member eWallets can receive commissions and payments, be used at Checkout and transferred to others
Personal Store Credit Wallet – Store Credits are similar to eWallets, but are non-transferrable or withdrawable
Corporate Training Area – Back Office area with Corporate provided PDFs, Training, Videos, Podcasts and more
On-Hand Order Placement
Hoder Personal Invoicing of On-Hand Products which can count towards Host Rewards
Party Plan Consultant Suites
Party Homepage URL
The Party Home page is a Sharable URL, where the content can be customized
Party Homepage Editor
The Party Home Page Editor allows the Public Home Page customization
Party Creator
Create a Party from the Back Office, assign a Host, Catalog and send Invites
Party Dedicated URL
Each Party receives a Dedicated URL for In-Person and/or Virtual Parties
Party Page Editor
The Party Editor allows the Public Party URL to be customized in its look feel
Host Manager
Select any Personal Customer as the Party Host or add a new Host instantly
Attendee Invitations
Send email invitations, using a Corporate Template and optionally require RSVP confirmation
Set Products for Creator Celebration Party
Select the entire company catalog or specific products to feature in a Party
Social Share Party Link
After creating a Party, click a button to share it on Facebook or Twitter
Party Manager
Create Parties, select a Host, set Catalog and Send Invitations
Place Party Orders
Place Party Orders from Invitation Link or From the Conlultant Back Office
Place Party POS Orders
POS-Styled Layout for easy Tablet Shopping at Person-to-Person Home Parties
Place Party On-Hand Orders
Distributor Personal Invoicing of On-Hand Products which can count towards Host Rewards
Bulk Ship to Host
Bulk Ship allows Discounted Ship Rates when shipping Customer Orders to Host Address
Bulk Ship to Consultant
Bulk Ship allows Discounted Ship Rates when shipping Customer Orders to Consultant Address
Direct Ship to Customer
Direct Ship allows Custom Fixed Rate when Direct Shipping to the Customer’s Address
Bulk Payment Checkout
Bulk Process multiple Orders with a Single CC from the Distributor BO Party Area
Split Payments
Place a partial payment on multiple cards or payment methods, including eWallet
Keep Retail Bonus
Distributors could Keep Retail Profit, when paying for Party Orders with their Own CC
Place Host Rewards
Many types of Host Rewards, from % of Party Sales to dedicated Host Exclusives and more
Place Booking Rewards
Book up coming Parties at an Existing Party and trigger more Host Rewards
Party Sales Reports
Generate a Report of Party Sales, Host Rewards and more
Split Payments Reports
Generate a Report of Split Payment Orders, and those having Balances to Pay
Party Plan Admin Suite
Host Rewards Unlimited Tiers
Corp can set and manage unlimited tiers of Host Rewards, Exclusives and Booking Rewards
Booking Rewards
Booking Rewards are Host Rewards based on the booking of Upcomming Parties at the Current Party
Parties Manager
Corp can Search Parties, modify Status, view Orders and Rewards of specific Parties
Party Orders
Access all orders of a Specific Party, including Ship and Payment status of each
Party Split/Partial Payments
Allow Consultants to Split Payments across Multiple Cards
Pending Party Bulk Checkout
Access all orders stored on a Party for Bulk Checkout that are Pending Payment
Pending Party Bulk Ship
Access all orders stored for Bulk Shipping, that may be Pending shipment
Pending Party Closed Shipping
Access all Paid Orders stored that may be pending Shipment on Party Closure
Party Invitation Templates
Create Branded Party Invitation Templates for your Consultants
Party Page Templates
Corp can provide different Party Page Templates, such as for Holidays
PORTEX 1 – 10 Dimensional IperDtokens LAUNCH
– AMOUNT: $125,000
Configure the Chain-Field with the distribution rules
Distribution Architecture – The Holopex Continuum – Everyone has an equal seat at the table.
Interfacing application with MultiDcurrents
Managing ID distributions
Handling IperD interfaces
Processing Distributions
Track IperD Value Accounts
Stats etc.
Becoming Integration ready – $20,000
with Wholochain Tech
Awe.cards OmniWallet
Launching Holoship Campaign – $25,000
- Form Holo’ship Team
- Choose themes generating interest and enthusiasm. Display theme everywhere. Show the results
- Set Goals – the Holoship Team sets goals. Reasonable attainable, challenging.
- Target Potential Holoship team members
- Assign specific responsibilities: Retaining, Recruiting, Increasing involvement Asking others to join
- Plan
- Sell the Holoship Value making sure they find value and renew. Emphasize what they get. motivation through on-going communication, opportunities to volunteer, and recognition. number one benefit is the ability to help their own family and friends and other.
- Incentivize Awards/Prizes: Offer Giftcurrents to members for joining. Offer discounts.
- Ongoing Campaigns Every event or communication is a chance to have more people join, so always have your sign-up and information ready. Ask parents to join. Ask their kids.table at major events. Include Holoship materials
Assign a specific person to be in charge of coordinating the different events, but involve all members.
- Evaluate and Adjust Accordingly Continuously seek feedback from Holoships on issues such as: How many new they are recruiting. How they are helping these new members acclimate and get involved. How many are staying active. the evaluation is done through a formal survey or informal communication, systematic, recorded, and used to adjust and improve the goals of the Holoship Team.
Sites Structure
- com – Wholonomic Gift Current Crowdfunding Offers. This site is focused on the initial funding raise for Wholonomics. Wholonomics is a project fundamentally dedicated to moving Humanity from Civilization 2.0 Pyranomics to Civilization 3.0 – Wholonomics based on the understanding that everything is inherently whole from the atomic to the cosmic.
- We are using a unique approach by issuing Wholonomic Gift Currents (IGCO – Initial Gift Current Offer). These are pre security token crowdfunding offerings. These currents have no financial promises attached to them so are not securities. Instead they will be able to be paired with products and services offers to give them non-security value.
- The total available Wholo Gift Currents will 1,000,000,000 (billion). They can be exchanged by monetary donations or through time (chronocurrents) Initially 1 hour of contribution earns 1000 Gift Currents making a total number of hours 1,000,000 (billion divided by 1,000). The amount received per hour will go down according to an algorithmis pattern as the structure builds out. Gifting resources like rental space, computers, etc can result in receiving Gift Currents. The goal is to create the Gift Currents to have a value of over $1 each. See Millaurums.
- A primary purpose of Wholonomics is as an educational vehicle. The Wholonomic Alliance will use a social NetsWorth www.Wholo.club to communicate and evolve solutions. We host articles, videos, audio, groups (both open and closed and secret), teams and project management, fund raising, invites mechanism. Just being a customer you become part of the Iperdtoken Wholomid. NetsWorth Wealthworks will be supported by transferring of Supply revenue to the Wolomid. For persons who understand we need a pathway to a new foundation and expression.
- Organize a Wholonomics Summit to invite persons interested in Wholonomics Civilization. First a virtual summit moving to a physical summit, then an ongoing University. Video presentations will allow presenters who cannot attend to offer interactive presentations to participant both onsite and offsite. We will invite experienced event organizers to help to create it. Unlike a summit like Start Engine this will have educational and project development formats for introducing the most innovative creative functional solutions for moving to Civilization 3.0.
- Topics for moving from Pyranomics to Wholonomics will include
- What organizations are aligned such as holochain, metachain, Earth Dollar, Vertex Fintech, P2P Foundation
- Goverance – Wholotics
- Re-cognizing value exchange
- Transployment – Transcending the employment / unemployment model
- Team creation – Wholo Teams – Teams in Wholonomic Civilization
- Beyond Global Blockchain models
- Transitioning from present systems
- HyperDimensional Economics
Team persons will receive Gift Currents per hour with a total of 1,000,000 hours budgeted for launch.
10% of the funding or net revenue will go to buy back the Chrono Gift Currents. So let’s say that we raise $5,000,000. $500,000 becomes available to buy back the Gift Currents. If 1,000,000 Chrono Gift Currents are generated (1000 hours). That means they are redeemable for $500 per hour each in fiat or crypto. If the person waits until say the revenue-raise becomes $10,000,000 with a $1,000,000 buy back pool. The person will receive $1,000 per hour. I want to take this model and expand it to all project portions. When the raise is completed with $1,000,000,000, the 1,000,000 Chrono Hours will receive $1,000 per Chrono Hour.
Wholonomics.org – Wholonomics University – School of The Whole – WholoTeams Project Portex
Wholonomics. Net NetsWorth see Wholonomics Portex link
Wholonomics.io (info) Process Paper
Wholonomics.shop Prototype to bulk edit and publish millions of products and services as basis for IperDtoken Giftcurrents to activate all the Portexes unique Tokensets and Currentsets.
ICO type offers/fundraising/ crowdsourcing. site that can be easily altered. And used to template others.
Raising millions per offer.
Wholonomics Gift Currents .com
Milaurum.io/com (1,000th oz per Current) Giftcurrent
hdxl.io or the actual NetsWorth/WealthWork IperDtoken operation
Creatorcelebration.com Get domain
WWzero.io Ending World War Zero against the people GET DOMAIN
Paradigm.io GET DOMAIN
pyranomics.com GET SITE STARTED
Amount $2,000,000 for 200,000,000 Gift Currents out of 1,000,000,000 total Gift Current pools.
These will be transferable into a variety of other Value Holders (VH) including items.
Initial Legal Assistance – $25,000
Core Team Coming together – $100,000
IperDtokens and multiDtokens – Portal one -$120,000
· $25,000 to market
· 50,000 for core system
· 35,000 to modify core system
· 25,000 to create a committed team
· 25,000 build out supply side
Wholonomics.org/.club – Project Networking Site –with hundreds of persons working together to birth Wholonomics Civilization Set-up conditions for many to contribute to an understanding of Wholonomics.
Wholonomics.com – Gift Current Crowdfunding site – 10,000
Wholonomics.io – upgrade – 5,000
Wholodapp.exchange – 40,000
Public Release of Wholonomics – 50,000
Currents Templating Development 50,000
Security Token Exchange Development – 100,000
EcoChange Architecture – 40,000
Seeding the other Portals – $480,000 $20,000 times 24 portals See details on site
Awe.cards Omniwallet Development $20,000
Reserve Current Development and Build-out– $120,000 Reserve Note Funding of Wholonomic Projects – $30,000
CoXexus NetsWorth Supply Chain Platform Development – $100,000
Wholonomics Summit – $10,000
WholodEXchange – Security Token Exchange Development – $100,000
The advent of new technologies enables us to create an asset token exchange which is compliant with the SEC Regulations. These will come under the bracket of Alternative Trading System (ATS) for Cryptocurrency.
We can develop an STO exchange platform for our users.
Security Exchange Development Features
Security Exchange Platform
BAF Security Exchange Platform allows us to create our own security token exchange and then connect to the main networks. This will ensure that the liquidity of the exchanges is maintained.
There is a need for exchange platforms in the market and we can bridge the gap.
Connecting to External Exchanges
Our API will connect with external security ATS exchanges to increase liquidity. The liquidity will be based on the security token deposited in the external account. As an exchange operator, we create an account for the business at any external exchange for a liquidity dependent on the amount deposit.
Order Matching
The BAF Matching Engine will automatically pair orders between buyers and sellers at the best market price using several different methods both because of different circumstances and token attributes and for testing the methods.
There are also different types of orders like market orders and limit orders.
Fund Management
The integrated awe.cards Omniwallet platform will manage all security token transactions in an automated way. The users of the platform can either control fiat-currency automatically or manually with unique processing features and interface with banks.
Holo’Escrow System
Asset coins will be exchanged between buyers and sellers using a trusted third party or by a smart contract.
Automatic payments to the users, once the escrow is released with any delays in processing time.
All Currency Transactions
We can integrate any currency in the BAF Security Token Exchange Software. Any cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin or any fiat-currency like US Dollars, Chinese RMB can be embedded into the BAF exchange. As well as Reserve Currents and MultiDtoken items.
Any Language
WholoDEXchange will support multiple languages such as Arabic, Mandarin, Russian etc. All these integrated as multiple languages into the system. The languages will seamlessly integrate into WholoDEXchange.
Payment Gateway Integration
The platform will be integrated into a payment gateway, allowing the users to buy and sell using fiat currencies via credit cards, debit cards, and other payment systems. These will be integrated to create a hassle-free ecosystem.
Security Exchange Development Benefits
Extremely Secure
Four Layer Security that consists of Separated servers, Encrypted Access to users, 2-Factor Authentication and Offline VPN Transmittal. DDoS protection, X-XSS-Protection, HTTP Public Key Pinning and Content Security Policy (CSP) Protection.
Optimal Customization
Design and host WholoDEXchange in our IT infrastructure which is most favourable and user-friendly for our users.
99.9% Uptime
WholoDEXhange platforms will always be running due to three key aspects:
DNS Failover
Geo IP Routing
Distributed Server Architecture
This will ensure that the asset exchange platform will remain always online.
The Security Token section of the WholoDEXchange has the capability for hedge functions.
WholoDEXchange Development – $100,000
Transactions are recorded on the blockchain, paving way for the decentralized value exchange. Note to investor: Creating WholoDEXchange, you can be a part of the Billion dollar revolution coming our way. Once you get to know the way exchanges work it will help you understand crypto trade behavior with ease.
We are pioneers developing a complete exchange to among other purposes facilitate secure and fast transactions.
We have a team of experienced blockchain developers to build a customizable and scalable exchange platform with a high focus on security, connectivity, and seamless environment.
WholoD.Exchange Software
We use custom build white label exchange software. customizing it according to requirements saving crucial time and unforeseen costs through white label solutions.
Benefits to WholoD.EXchange software
- Matching Engine with 20,000 TPS
- Cost effective than from building from scratch
- Highly customizable
- Providing Liquidity through order routing
Further Platform Features
Leverage Trading
Effective risk management to reduce stop loss and thereby, increase the number of trades.
Margin Trading
Borrowing coins to trade in the platform to make a profit and return to the lender at a predefined rate.
Order Sharing
BAF Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform allows to mirror orders optionally and increasing liquidity.
Integrated IperDTokens
Holders will get direct payment for all trades.
Exchange Platform Features
Matching Engine
The matching engine supports 150k orders per second and different types of orders.
Multicurrency Awe.cards OmniiWallet
Multicurrency Wallet supporting with multiple payment and withdrawal methods.
Mobile Application
On the Move Trading while Tracking Live Market Information, Live Price Alerts in iOS or Android devices.
Payment Gateway Integration
Users can deposit and withdraw via Visa/Mastercard, Wire Transfers, and other methods.
API Integration
Any coin or current can be integrated to the exchange with integration mail service and SMS service providers.
Multi-language support
The exchange will support multiple languages, including Mandarin, Korean, French, and Russian.
Admin Backend Panel
Can view all current functions, including KYC, Tickets issued, Referrals and all transactions
SEO/SEM Enabled
Text readable SEO widget allows admin to add focus keywords, which will turn up on Google search.
Process of Launching WholoDEXchange Platform
Step 1
- Requirement Gathering, Exchange Preparation
Step 2
- Vanilla Exchange Product installation with jurisdictional changes based on the geography of exchange incorporation
Step 3
- Match Engine Installation as per requirements
Step 4
- Integration of different blockchains into the Exchange
Step 5
- Enhancing the Security Features
Step 6
- Listing of the Coins/Tokens on to the Exchange
Step 7
- Handing Over the Exchange
Types of CoXexus NetsWorth Orders
Market Order
A Market Order will allow the user to trade at the current price. The user can set a market buy or market sell in order to protect themselves from slippage in a volatile market.
Limit Order
A Limit Order will allow users to trade by placing an order on the hopes that it will be fulfilled by someone else’s market order. The orders are not limited to slippage due to volatility in the market. The user can set a Limit Buy or Limit Sell.
Stop Order
Stop Order is a conditional market order where the user sells the order after reaching a specified price. A user can set a Stop Buy or Stop Sell/Loss thereby taking precautionary actions.
Buy Stop Order
Buy Stop order or Stop Loss order is placed when the stop price is about or below the market price. This is used either to limit a loss or protect the profit on a in the exchange.
Copy Order
Copy Order is an order where a user receives updates on the top crypto-traders and copy their trades. This will help beginners to the crypto-trading. The top order would receive a commission based on the earnings of the copy trader.
P2P Trading
Peer to Peer Trading allows buyers and sellers to negotiate a price before a coin/token is transferred. The cryptocurrency is stored on escrow, thereby ensuring safety of the coin. Only when the buyer and seller agree is when the transaction is completed.
Crypto Exchange Security
HTTP Authentication
Most secure HTTP Authentication tokens, such as OAuth.
Jail Login
Prevention of multiple failed login attempts for a fixed amount of time.
Encrypted Data
Encryption of data transmission protects credentials and other information.
Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF) Protection
Protection against state-changing requests and other unwanted actions from the user side.
Anti-Denial of Service (DDoS)
Defending the exchange against large requests to the server.
Anti- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Protecting the exchange from overwhelming traffic originating from multiple sources.
Server-Side Request Forgery(SSRF) Protection
Protection of internal systems from an attack sent from vulnerable web applications.
HTTP Parameter Pollution Protection
Evasion of Web Attack due to the HTTP request protecting hidden information.
Escrow System
The coin is exchanged between buyers and sellers using a trusted third party or smart contract.
Wallet Security
Secured Wallets
Stored in secured e-wallets that are built on the blockchain to enable safe and secure storage.
Multisignature Wallets
Multisignature adds an additional layer of security for transactions. Multisignature wallet addresses require another user or users sign a transaction from the wallet.
Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) is a method of confirming a user’s identity by utilizing two different factors, Private Keys & QR Scanner.
Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC)
The wallet address consists of a public-key cryptography, based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. The address will be in the form of an alpha-numeric structure.
Choosing Right Platform
exchange platform development have higher transactions per second and able to handle high volumes. The trading platform free from system crashes, server issues, and other irregular behaviors that could cause reputational issues.
Market & Liquidity
The exchange must be able to weather unexpected contingencies in the market.
Incorporation & Regulation
The critical aspect of developing exchange is to incorporate in crypto-friendly countries, with a focus on operating in a global market. Regulations, such as KYC, AML & GDPR, must be followed as per jurisdiction.
A secure banking facility is a highly critical component and the strategy must have an agreement with the bank as soon as possible. Depending on the location of the exchange, formal banking is not important.
- Use WhitelabeledExchange Software
- Fully Secureblockchain based
- private cloud
- Alt-Coin Exchange
- Bitcoindeposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Rippledeposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Litecoindeposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- BitcoinCash deposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Ethereumdeposit, withdraw, buy and sell
- Dutch Auction Buyorders based on conditions / Sell orders based on conditions
- Tradebetween users
- APIIntegration
- TradeMatching Engine
- Paypaldeposits for customers, Stripe deposits for customers
- Change TransactionFees for buy and sell
- Detailed Reportswith filters
- Multi Current Support
- MultisignatureWallet
- HighlyCustomized UI/UX
- Multi-LanguageSupport
- Anti-PhishingCode
- CSRF & SSRFProtection
- Elliptic-curve cryptography Wallet
- DDoSprotection,X-XSS-Protection
- HTTP Public Key Pinning CSP Protection
- BAFBlockchain Experts Support for your exchange
- Advanced ExchangeViews
- PaymentGateway Integration
- SEO/SEMEnabled
Awe.cards OmniWallet Development – $40,000
Awe.Cards prototype into beta
- Secured Authentication & Authorization
- Send and Receive Function
- Billing and Invoice
- Admin Panel
- Windows/Linux/Mac Wallet
- iOS App
- Android App
- Push Notifications
- Airdrops to Crowdfunders
- Smart QR
- Buy/Sell advice based on average cost per coin
- Account labeling, color coding, budgeting and separate business/identity management
- Automatic generation of a new public key for each transaction + manual one-touch address generation
- Alerts/Feeds
- Decide what exchange to pull your price
- Payment gateway integrations
- Multiple Cryptocurrency
- Import/Export private keys to a new wallet for the same user
- Optional Timed Logout
- Optional Password Protection
- Automatic denial of payment to the same address twice
- Client-side private key storage
- Zero Knowledge on Private Key
- Device Validation
Legal Security
- Legal Contract
Different partner programs promotional, co-branding, card issuer and distribution opportunities.
- Increase security through tokenization and encryption
- Control “Virtual Top of Wallet”
- Leverage payment-level data, including purchases made across entire wallet
- Learn more about consumer, retailers and preferred payment methods
- Build competitive brand differentiation and card loyalty
co-branding program offers chance to take promotional partnership to the next level.
Build loyalty, add a new premium element
reward customer base
Cards customized to include logo or colors on the card itself in conjunction with OUR logo and design.
Reward with an exclusive co-branded Awe Card. Customize Cards to help fit brand & style
- Sell a one-of-a-kind mobile payment solution with proven market potential. Introduce a break-through new product to new markets
Timely delivery of reliable, quality, innovative card with outstanding customer service, education, sales support and marketing programs.
- Broaden product lines to drive incremental revenues. Acquire new customers.
Working with partners who share a vision to create a secure ecosystem for payments, identification and access.
The Connected Card is based on the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standard supported by the majority of smartphones.
Card will be backward compatible with existing POS systems using Dual Stripe Technology. The preferred and familiar form for consumers everywhere, the ideal approach to the adoption of a simpler way of living.
- Works on new integrated mobile wallet & card solutions
- Develop the latest in loyalty marketing & card offers
- Evolve business travel & expense management
- Create a more secure financial management & payment environment
- Strengthen identity & access management
- Usable to transact with Crypto exchanges
Reserve Current Build-out including The Milaurum $120,000 |
Creating Legally Compliant Token Architecture |
Technology |
Custom Ethereum Token |
Own Blockchain |
Hyperledger Burrow |
Integrated Voting Rights Platform |
Token Wallet as per Regulatory Protocol |
Investor Managment Dashboard |
Automated KYC/AML Integration |
Automated Accredited Investor Verification |
Stake Holder Registry |
Integrated Dividend Issuance Platform |
KYC/AML records Registry |
Accredited Investors Registry |
Market Capitalization Details |
Funds Raised & Investment Details |
Integrated Help Desk on Dashboard |
Audit Reports & Checklists |
Portfolio Management for Investors |
Announcements within Dashboard |
Uploading Legal Documents & Disclaimers |
Investor Prospectus |
Whitepaper (Owner’s Manual) |
Customized Website |
Legal & Regulations |
Preliminary Checks |
Development of Documents |
Customized Website |
Token Purchase Agreement |
Development of the Token’s Legal Structure |
Disclaimers for the website and marketing materials |
Token Crowdsale Terms |
Private Placement Agreement with Private Investors |
Legal Opinion on the Sale of Tokens |
SAFT Agreement |
Token Purchase Agreement |
Company Valuation Audit |
Incorporation – Pre STO |
Establishment of the holding company in Malta |
Establishment of the holding company in USA |
Establishment of the Maltese trading company |
Establishment of the USA trading company |
Registration of the Operation Company |
Legal Agreements between Holding and Main Operational Company |
Local Directors if Required |
Registered Office |
Tax Compliance |
Application of Licenses |
During STO |
Liaise with MFSA & MDIA for Compliance |
Liaise with SEC for Compliance |
Post STO |
Accounting & Book Keeping |
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
- Portex 4- Repu Coes
- Portex 5 – Dimension Zero Tokens
- Portex 10 – Clearinghome Sovereign Accounting
- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange Awe.cards
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
- Portex 16 -Communecology Locamids
- Portex 18 – Wholotics
- Portex 17 – Globamid
- Portex 20 – CoXexus NetsWorth
- Portex 21 – Smartchain Escrow
- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
- Portex 22 – Creator Celebration Gigitalism
- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
- Portex 24 – Pyranomic Pyracoin
- Portex 26 Civilization 3.0 Prototyping Coin Offer
- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
- Wolomid Phisolama Flosort Tokens
- School of Wholonomics – Wholonomics University
- Base 12 Tokens
Recent Posts
- There are two economies
- The System moves towards Sustainability
- Gaming Wholonomics
- History of Accumulating and Creating Value – How Humans accumulated Wealth and Value in Different Eras
- Marketfield
- Millaurum Gold StableD Coe
- Stage 2 Metamarket
- Wholonomic and Pyranomic Language
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Pyranomics is Broken
- Transcending Accounting Economics
- Building a True Alt-Tribalism
- The Launch of Super Platforms
- Tokens
- Restructuring Pyramid Space
- The Whole
- Solamids and Present Pricing Systems
- What is the Whole?
- Crowd Offer Platform Notes
- What is Work Value?
- More on Wholonomic Cosmology
- Wholeness, The Whole and Wholonomics
- Why Use the Term Current?
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Why Bitcoin May not Last – Energy Consumption
- For Announcement
- Wholoarchial Currentism
- Every Paradigm has a Creation Story
- Hyperintelligence
- Wholonomic Development
- Notes on Alternative Exchange Options
- Wholonomic Art 1
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrent Healthaid
- Globamid – Collective Intelligence Can It Save the Planet?
- WholoTeams and Holoships Notes
- Addressing our distraction addiction
- More Introduction
- An Impressionistic View of Currency
- Wholonoetics Physics of The Whole
- Wholonomic Cosmology 1
- Open systems and Closed Systems – What is different 1
- Benefits Distribution Fractal Geometry
- Leverage Points
- Crowd Funded Blast
- Community Value Liberation
- Wholonomics Glossary of Terms – Partial
- Dapp Token Keys
- Wholonomics Raise
- Wholonomics CrowdFunded
- alt Finance Solutions
- Aligning Moral and Economic Incentives
- Two Economies and The Third to Integrate them
- Promotion Tools