Definitions of Wholeness Definition of ‘Wholeness’ According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary – The condition of being sound in body. The quality or state of being without restriction, exception, or qualification. (A noun) Antonyms: imperfection, unsoundnessA Biblical Definition of ‘Wholeness’ – The state of being perfectly...
Work Value ranges from the unique creative non fungible Tokensets to mechanical fungible Currentsets. Work Value is nonlinear and irreversible reducing local entropy within its ecosystem while increasing global entropy. Syntropic Work Value is also nonlinear and irreversible reducing local entropy within its ecosystem but...
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Wholonomic Art 1 [embeddoc url=”” download=”all”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”all”] “When a great innovation appears, it will almost certainly be in a muddled, incomplete, and confusing form … for any speculation, which does not at first glance look crazy, there is...