Group Valuation Campaigns connect the underlying Portex with supporters.
Micro venturists are given rewards that start gaining real value while supporting the development.
How our Crypto Group Valuation Campaigns work
When a Token Owner decides to support a project, they first purchase a currentblock.
Currents are created to help fund the project. This happens seamlessly in a fraction of a second.
Currents are converted to Fiat.
Once they raise a request to convert, either you can buy them back and give money to the Portex -or- sell it to another who wants to purchase to fund other projects.
Each time a Currentblock is purchased Xat is disbursed and a Smart Contract executed.
And What else Happens?
CurrentBlocks are being bought by people and gaining popularity.
Our CurrentBlocks are being transacted actively like any other mainstream cryptocurrency.
As the source of the Currentblocks, we are holding an asset. Say we have created 100,000,000 CurrentBlocks and each CurrentBlock is valued at $2 and we are holding 90,000,000 Currents.
People have started buying our CurrentBlocks to fund projects. That means that the remaining we are holding have gained respective money value! We are suddenly sitting on a Mountain of Wealth.
Since real people are buying and transacting our CurrentBlocks for real money > We can list the remaining currentblocks in other Exchanges and MarketCap sites like CoinMarketCap.
Traders will start seeing a real business model behind our methods and start buying our CurrentBlocks.
Every time a transaction happens, your Smart Contract gets executed. Every time your Smart Contract gets executed, the XAT fee is distributed. This is paid to the connected wallets as Millaurum GiftCurrents.
For promoting a listing to be a ‘Featured listing’, we can collect from listing owners.
Crowd Funding on the internet is a trend. People just love spending on Crowd Funding platforms, as they get the product for a lower cost and also feel thrilled helping someone to achieve something.
The Crowd Funding space worldwide is still very much under served for various micro niches. Using our Group Valuation concept and designs and approach integrated with the underlying Portex Platform.
Both Crypto and Crowd Funding are all about the masses.
These trends fit perfectly within each other.
Our initial Platform will be powered by the use of Crypto in a perfect blend.
Our strategies will make our Group Valuation Campaigns a hit. Giftcurrents are the base currency in our platform.
We can seamlessly sell and distribute CurrentBlock items to anyone. Our project development gains traction and is valued aggressively.
This can be Viral. Portex backers will be proud to announce their interest and make sure others co-back us!
Formula To Create Tremendous Wealth Is; Help Others to Make Money For You.
Group Valuation Marketplace connects us with the funds we require.
Our Group Valuation Campaigns will be a secure, globally distributed ledger that keeps track of all the transactions done on the platform. The CurrentBlocks are permanently stored here and cannot be altered, a distributed secure database.
To develop the portex, we buy through the Holomid Store and using the Xat generated we fund the project and compensate the Porteage Holders by converting the Gifted Utility Porteage to Gift Currents Rewards for use through CoHeroGen Shops.
White label software
100% source code to white label instantly.
Social share features
Ample social share buttons throughout. Token holders, Investors, Viewers can easily share any part of the platform.
Technology and software used?
Our powerful Crowd Valuation software is built using Php and MySQL. Built on the famous and secure Laravel framework. Our Crowd Valuation software also has essential Blockchain technology included for the Crypto part.
Automated Revenue
Every time Porteage is issued and assets are transferred to respective projects a Smart Contract gets executed.
Every time your smartcontract is re-executed, you benefit.
Fully Customizable
Our powerful Blockchain powered Crowd Valuation software is built on an easy to customize architecture.
Admin Panel
Comes with a powerful and secure Admin Panel to manage the entire CrowdFunding Script.
Token Holders, Listings, Earnings, Commission Configuration etc. are done from one point.
Blockchain Powered Crowd Valuation Software Details
Version | 1.2 |
React Native Version | Latest |
PHP Version | 7.2 |
MySQL Version | 5.7 |
Layout | Fixed, Fluid, Responsive |
Compatibility | All Major Browsers |
Number of Hours taken to develop: 700 Hour
Group Valuation Campaigns connect the underlying Portex with supporters.
Micro venturists are given Porteage rewards that start gaining real value.
They support which ones they like.
How our Crypto Group Valuation Campaigns work
When a Token Owner has decided to fund a project, instead of directly paying money, he first purchases something with an equivalent amount of our Porteage.
Then she transfers those currents to the project she wants to fund, all this happens seamlessly in a fraction of a second.
We either hold the currents or convert to Fiat.
Once they raise a request to convert, either you can buy them back and give money to the Portex -or- sell it to another who wants to purchase to fund other projects.
Remember: Each time a transaction happens Xat gets transferred from one person to another, a Smart Contract executed. And each time your Smart Contract gets executed you get Xat.
And What else Happens?
3 remarkable things happen
Our Porteage are being bought by people for real money ie. our Porteage are getting real money value and popularity. Not only are people paying Money and buying our Porteage through the marketplace, but they are transferring it to others and they are Selling it and others are again buying it. Which means our porteage are being transacted actively like any other mainstream cryptocurrency.
As the source of the porteages, we are holding a huge asset. Say for example you have created 100 Million Currents and each Current is valued at $10 and we are holding 50,000,000 Currents.
People have started buying our porteage in this case Currents to fund projects. That means that the remaining porteage we are holding have gained the respective real money value! We are suddenly sitting on a Mountain of Wealth!
Since Real People are buying and transacting our porteage for real money > We can list the remaining porteages in other Exchanges and MarketCap sites like CoinMarketCap etc. Traders will start seeing a real business model behind our methods and start buying our Porteage.
Every time a transaction happens, your Smart Contract gets executed. Every time your Smart Contract gets executed, the gas fee is collected from the person initiating the transaction. This Fee is paid to your wallet as ETHER.
For promoting a listing to be a ‘Featured listing’, we can collect from listing owners.
Crowd Funding on the internet is a trend. People just love spending on Crowd Funding platforms, as they get the product for a lower cost and also feel thrilled helping someone to achieve something. The Crowd Funding space worldwide is still very much under served for various micro niches. Using this Crowd valuation concept and designs integrated with the underlying software, we can start our niche platform instantly.
Both Crypto and Crowd Funding are all about the masses. Both these trends fit perfectly within each other. This turn-key Crowdfunding software is powered by the use of Crypto in the most perfect blend.
This is the most ingenious strategy to make our porteages a hit. By making Giftcurrents as the base currency in the platform, we are seamlessly selling and distributing porteages to the masses. Our porteage gains traction and value aggressively.
This is Viral in nature. Portex backers will feel proud to announce their interest and make sure others co-back!
Formula To Create Tremendous Wealth Is, Help Others to Make Money For You.
Crowd Valuation Marketplace connects us with the funds we require.
A Blockchain is a secure, globally distributed ledger that keeps track of all the transactions done on the platform. The Blocks are records that are permanently stored here and cannot be altered. In short, its a distributed secure database.
We integrate porteages as the base
To fund the portex, we buy through the Holomid Store and using the Xat generated we fund the project and compensate the Porteage Holders by converting the Gifted Utility Porteage to Gift Currents Rewards for use through CoHeroGen Shops.
White label software
100% source code to white label instantly.
Social share features
Ample social share buttons throughout. Token holders, Investors, Viewers can easily share any part of the platform.
Technology and software used?
Our powerful Crowd Valuation software is built using Php and MySQL. Built on the famous and secure Laravel framework. Our Crowd Valuation software also has essential Blockchain technology included for the Crypto part.
Automated Revenue
Every time Porteage is issued and assets are transferred to respective projects a Smart Contract gets executed.
Every time your smartcontract is re-executed, you benefit.
Fully Customizable
Our powerful Blockchain powered Crowd Valuation software is built on an easy to customize architecture.
Admin Panel
Comes with a powerful and secure Admin Panel to manage the entire CrowdFunding Script.
Token Holders, Listings, Earnings, Commission Configuration etc. are done from one point.
Blockchain Powered Crowd Valuation Software Details
Version | 1.2 |
React Native Version | Latest |
PHP Version | 7.2 |
MySQL Version | 5.7 |
Layout | Fixed, Fluid, Responsive |
Compatibility | All Major Browsers |
Number of Hours taken to develop: 700 Hours
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
- Portex 4- Repu Coes
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- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
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- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
- Portex 22 – Creator Celebration Gigitalism
- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
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- Portex 26 Civilization 3.0 Prototyping Coin Offer
- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
- Wolomid Phisolama Flosort Tokens
- School of Wholonomics – Wholonomics University
- Base 12 Tokens
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