Netsworth Value Enhancements Cooperative Creative Value Building
From Network to Netsworth.
NetsWorth is Scalar Wealth Building, Value-First Social Paradigm. Everyone will flock because we bring wealth into their lives by allowing everyone to build value without censorship and tracking.
Cooperative Creative Social Holo’Wealthwork
Two thirds of the world’s Internet population visits a social network or blog site weekly but that hardly feeds and serves the survival of the CommonWealth. 220 million and more people visit the top 25 social networks each month
.Facebook has 1200+ million active users. Time spent visiting social media sites exceeds time spent emailing. 50% of people who find news online forward it on through their social networks, email, or posts. They use their cell phone to remain connected with their social network. Etc. Etc. We can see the immense power held here or liberated here through a real pathway.
The Wealthwork we are proposing is exponently more powerful than a “Social Network”.
Contact-list Integration helped social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn gain initial traction through the removal of sign-up friction.
In spite of growth hacks like contact-list integration, there is always a lead time in getting users on board and reaching critical mass. This is the “gap” where it becomes very difficult to demonstrate value in using the product.
Startups often fail to appreciate the gap between technology and value proposition. For products like Evernote, technology serves the entire value proposition. However, for social products, the value
Value proposition is a combination of technology and the content that users create on top of it.
YouTube’s value lies in its hosting and streaming capability, and in its vast repository of videos.
The secret to creating Netsworth that demonstrates immediate value is to enable value before creating the network. Our token sets help us accomplish this.
Value or decentralized worth created through the Netsworth is our source of competitive advantage. The videos on YouTube, the pictures on Instagram, the answers on Quora are the primary source of value for users and the key driver of competitive advantage for these platforms.
Since a critical mass of connections is required before users experience value, the key to building a successful Network is minimizing the friction in creatingconnections.
This is a key design in this OP Porteage modeling.
Today’s social startups don’t start off as networks.
A new breed has gained traction with a content-first model. They provide users with tools to create a corpus of content, and then enable conversations around that content.
Behance, Pinterest, Instagram, Dribble, Scoop.It gained traction by building a lot of content before building a social Network.
They start off as standalone apps. These products enable users to create a corpus of content first. They then connect the users with each other as a consequence of sharing that content.
Instagram started out as a photo-taking tool and built itself out into a social network subsequently. The initial focus was entirely on the creation of content and the connections were formed over time leveraging other social networks. It is unlikely that Facebook would have considered Instagram a direct competitor in its early days, largely owing to its model of deferring network creation.
We Create our Netsworth in Stealth Mode as sets of stand alone tools. Each provides utility as valuating tokens to the user even when other users aren’t on the Netsworth. There are two aspects to building utility:
Currents deliver greater value when users share value with their friends. The tokens build out Netsworth backend as more value is traded. Thus Netsworth is created, solving the autopoetic feedback problem.
Curation-as-creation, brings coherence and durability to Token Keys.
Our playbook for creating Netsworth is:
Have a vision for creating Netsworth but do not start executing on network aspect
We enable tools from other Portexes to create valuations that are core to social interactions We share these tools to networks (social networks, email, blogosphere)
We capture interactions around the value to build backend network linkages.
Open out Netsworth when critical masses of linkages are built
Value Portfolios
We generate Wealthworks Netsworth around a portfolio of user-generated valuating tokens. Portfolios of designs, adding value through a Netsworth community.
We design community tools that ‘tapmark’ to create link-tokens of their favorite well-being sources tobuilt out the network. ability to store designs to example.
Success Factors
Frictionless sign-up and virality but they are no longer the key.
The key is to build crowd valuated Netsworth is the removal of barriers to the creation of value: Simplify the creation process enabling holders to spread the worth building connections.
Growing the Holomid value supplier base, not just the user base: Value overall of Netsworth scales by value creation focusing on incentivizing and increasing the percentage who create value tokens.
Value Tokens scale well when there is a curation to separate the signal from the noise. Strong curation leads to greater token value leading to a satisfied user experience leading to increased NetsWorth effects.
NetsWorths encourage users to build out their connections encouraging an innate motivation for self-expression and self-promotion to spread the word about her token values.
The users build the necessary connections to design the NetsWorth.
Growth Hacks
In our connections-first model, the one hack that minimizes friction in building connections is our contact list integration. In the content-first model, the hack that minimizes friction in creating content is the creation widget.
Creation widgets have grown in popularity in recent times, spreading across the internet in the form of browser add-ons and one-click buttons. Several curation-as-creation startups like Pinterest and have used widgets to enable users to create content easily.
Our projects build NetsWorths allowing our Token Projects to gain traction while value is being created by members.
Action Contribution is compensated, members are connected and the NetsWorth builds out.
Wealthworks Netsworth focuses on enabling members to build out wealth collectively and generate productive action – results, Collabra currents around them. The creation of the Wealthwork Currents is a powerful primary tool.
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
- Portex 4- Repu Coes
- Portex 5 – Dimension Zero Tokens
- Portex 10 – Clearinghome Sovereign Accounting
- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
- Portex 16 -Communecology Locamids
- Portex 18 – Wholotics
- Portex 17 – Globamid
- Portex 20 – CoXexus NetsWorth
- Portex 21 – Smartchain Escrow
- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
- Portex 22 – Creator Celebration Gigitalism
- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
- Portex 24 – Pyranomic Pyracoin
- Portex 26 Civilization 3.0 Prototyping Coin Offer
- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
- Wolomid Phisolama Flosort Tokens
- School of Wholonomics – Wholonomics University
- Base 12 Tokens
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- Promotion Tools