Solamids, Electromids, Millaurum
Portex 2 – Solamids and Electromids and Millaurum are “StableD Coes”,
Co-efficient Stable Denominator Measurements for calibrating accounts.
Here the various kinds of Currents are measured by Solamids or Electromids. Solamids and Electromids are measurements linking all Porteages and assets into an integrated self-referencing value grid.
They are are measurements linking all Porteages and assets into an integrated self-referencing value grid.
StableDcoes, Solamids and Electromids are not the commodity or a Currency type. They are a stable measure of account, a stable denominating co-efficient that also accumulates as part of Xat from the exchange flow and functions as a stabilizing backing. They do not circulate but they rather underwrite the value of the Currents. This allows for the foundation of a dynamically coherent value-exchange system.
Only electricity is universally produced and consumed with both the scale and resolution to represent the full scope and implications of any human endeavor. This means we can dynamically link civilization to a full scale of possibilities and reallocation of our reserves.
We measure already electricity in tremendous detail, and it is central to every economy and process.
Solamids as solar denomination and Electromids have roots that are elemental, that are timeless and universal. They are the same value representing the same potential now as centuries ago or centuries in the future.
Both fiat and crypto lack this quality.
This will be a huge step forward towards stabilizing and rationalizing the economic process at every level, value stability being a key factor in our Civilizational pivot.
Solamids and Electromids form a bedrock for rational measurements allowing accurate and stable valuations. They have a Fluid Functionality to represent any scale of asset or transaction.
We will reduce speculation on “Commonwealth Worth”.
Only one Reserve, Electricity is universally produced and consumed with both the scale and resolution to represent the full scope of any human endeavor. We already measure it in tremendous detail and it is central to every economy and process. All other reserves can be measured in relation to it.
Solamids and Electromids are elemental, timeless and universal; three qualities which arbitrary currencies or commodity based currencies do not possess.
A Solamid is the same in Canada as in China. It represents the same potential now as it would have centuries ago or will centuries into the future. This can be a huge step forward in stabilizing and rationalizing the economic process at every level.
- This forms the bedrock for an rational measurement to facilitate
- accurate valuations
- stability
- fluidity to represent any scale of asset or transaction
- resistance to speculation
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
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- Portex 4- Repu Coes
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- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
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- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
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- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
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- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
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- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
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- Base 12 Tokens
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