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Portex 3 – Scales of Value – Wolo’Scales and Holo’Scales
Balance Beam Scales with two major scale rating measurements, Holomidal and Wolomidal A natural redistribution by assessing scales of inner and outer costs for all products and their creative processes.
Costs that have been formerly passed to the environment and human psychic dimension accounted for in all exchanges.
We can design a coherent and operational currency space where structural contradictions disappear.
Wolo’Scale – Social Justice Scales Labor Values
Holo’Scale – Environmental Scales
All transactions are rated on a series of value scales. The transfer equation is always balanced. Here we can simplify where before we strive to maximize consumption to maintain the imperative of growth. To do twice as much with half the amount is the idea here. We could fit 4 civilizations into our current energy and resource consumption. The system driver of maximizing output is reduced and the output of real value is augmented.
We can begin to tangibly experience and naturally re-adjust the effects of our fiscal costs to our bottom line now displaced to the environment and psyche.
Moral and economic incentives can realign so to be in greater harmony. Value difference is transferred from lesser rating to the higher rating where values are in the plus, a movement to evolve our conditions. Consumerism is a central reality of modern life. We can shift to a participant reality.
The Wholomid social justice scale, the transaction is rate indexed from -12 to +12. A sweatshop type manufacturing might peer determined rate a -9 while a cooperative venture might rate a +8. All measuements fall in between -12 to +12 along each scale.
A percentage of the exchange is transferred from the lower in ratings to the higher in scale. Values are reinforced with I-guidance towards the renewal of natural intelligence. Percentages received are reduced with the surplus transferred to positive value suppliers. Value exchange is determined by peer based algorithms.
– Energy Costs of Production
– Evolutionary Values – Creative Intelligence
The positive benefits from the negative. Some percentage flows from the negative pole to the positive pole.
This allows an organic natural transition from present valuation scale (pyramid values) to a more coherent set of values that can be transparently determined by peer i-voting.
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
___________ | ___________
The people who ship the clothing to the West don’t see the human and earth alterations because they just work in shipping; the people who sell the clothing don’t see this because they just work in sales; the people who market the clothing don’t see this because they just work in marketing; and the people who buy the clothing don’t see this because they just see the result of all the marketing.
Because the system is split up into cells, we never realize the level of sheer human misery that goes into producing the inexpensive, abundant goods that we take for granted.
When immediate-and-exact exchange instruments started to develop across the world, cultures generally were not allowed foresee the bottom-trawling, the mass extinction of species, the wholesale deforestation, the epidemics of obesity, cancer and depression, the breakdown of community or the homogenization of society that would ensue. Yet that is what has happened, and the concept of money – a tool with the power to transform naturally occurring optimum levels of economies of scale and division of labor to fatally efficient maximum levels – has been the source.
Money’s ability to vastly widen the degrees of separation between what we consume and us gives us the illusion of independence and conveniently hides us from the carnage and abuse our economic behavior causes. It has slowly come to replace community as our primary source of security, and because we no longer need to rely on those nearest to us, our attempts to build local community feel…inauthentic.
Pyramoney separates us from what we consume and hides us from the impacts of our behavior. Wholonomics bring us closer to each other and to the effects of how we live.
Harvesting from The Earth is considered sustainable only when it can last forever or at least hundreds of years, seven generations. Sustainability fulfills the present needs without risking future generations’ fulfillment of their needs.
Industries like tree-cutting and oil-exploitation have negative Holo’Scale Value. They are appropriating what belongs to all of humanity including coming generations.
Consider what impact each industry gives to social domains too. Heavily-indebted public works and factories that employ low-waged long-time workers are also unsustainable.
Peer valued scale co-efficients through I-voting gives exchange a moral compass
[embeddoc url=”http://www.wholonomics.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Portal-3-Scales-of-Value-Wolo’Scales-and-HoloScales.pptx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]Portexes
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
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- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
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