This will liberate moral freedom.
A record of underlying social assets, like trust resultant from interactions between people. We generate Reputokens in order to build Reputation Currents.
Co-efficient value benefits go up as Reputoken value increases or as it decreases as damaged, forming an opening or closing of opportunity.
This is not similar at all to the impositional statist schemes presently the rage. This coefficient is rather determined by reflective crowd valuation.
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Reputokens are Recorded Reputation Coes increasing or decreasing when we interact with others.
Algorithms to account for and weight different factors
Marks over your consensus reputation will weigh on others’ thoughts and social conscience even more as it becomes tangibly and specifically important with no more politically centralized merit systems.
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Having poor ratings may cause your rejection, but ultimately helping you evolve your cultural conscience.
How do you raise your Reputation
rating? Work. Serve. Create. Build Share. Use The Wholomid more wisely. All kinds of ways too numerous to mention.
Each Exchange affects your Reputation. This translates into more or less ability to issue Valued Currents.
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If one doubts your reputation then they will discount your Currents. We have natural limits of how much loss of Reputation we allow when we transact. Reputation codes stabilize trust.
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A challenge is in Who decides reputation. Here we say everyone. The design itself mediates the issuance. Reputation codes stabilize trust.
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Contribution is what leads to status. Reputation credibility is what we want.
Reputation Co-efficients along with Scales of Value could replace regulations as this approach is far more efficient.
A Reputation Co-efficient a Coe is a more powerful driver for Quality of Exchange than any regulatory compliance.
Contribution is what can lead to status. Reputation credibility we all want.
Reputation Co-efficients along with Scales of Value can evolve regulations as this is far more efficient. Transactional Polarities being transparent and supportive create digital safeguards.
A Reputation Co-efficient is a more powerful driver for Quality of Exchange than any regulatory compliance.
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Transactional Feedback provides more than enough trust for participants to be comfortable.
If you stretch your fractal Currents privileges by taking more than you give with a sluggish flow, then others will be less willing to accept your Personal Specie.
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Holomid Escrow Service: the key component of an ethical exchange service, by reputation, a party who does not honor escrow agreements are quickly reduced in value of what they issue.
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Here we have a Reputation Co-efficient. A Medium of Interaction.
We learn to see people not as individuals looking for power or social status, but as parts of a group looking for cohesion. We are working to improve our own standing when we booster our Reputation Co-efficient. Using this is a means of getting along with each other.
Whenever you offer something as a way of increasing one’s reputation, your currents are enhanced. This is transactional.
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You might say, Wholo’Currents flow towards Reputation. Through reputation we gain social currency. Anything you share can increase or reduce your reputation co-efficient standing.
The resulting recorded increase to reputation through actions through any medium that you use to express yourself as well as any service performed.
People with high reputation have high amounts of trust, they can leverage in order to create new social opportunities, or generate income.
Reputation Co-efficient can fall, whenever we do enough to destroy our reputation through interactions with others.
Reputation give fine tune value to Currents. a record of social interactions; trust recorded.
The more trust you gain leads to even greater opportunities to reach more people and create even more trust.Reputation is abundance-based. The more people who share it, the more opportunities there are for increasing trust, and then value.
Reputation are metrics. Social metrics secure reputation. Trust recorded can be created. Good reputation get better Wholo’Currents worth get more audience because they create valuable trust social capital.
Reputation has a natural demurrage. Once you earn it, you don’t just have it. you have to continue to earn and maintain through actions and integrity, or it goes away, has a kind of half-life.
Reputaton lead to changes in a person’s medium of interaction. Record of reputation resultant from interactions between people.
The gesture recorded makes value created, reputation is social currency as part of our collective memory. Reputation is stored in the collective memory of the communities they belong to.
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Reputation is measured as social gestures, publicly recorded and quantified, and therefore available more globally.
Applies to all contexts online and off, functional, fulfilling a transactional purpose.
The metric that represents social gestures which record trust, is transmitted to people to gain reputation. Online metrics record social gestures, becoming a media of exchange, altering transactions
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Scales and Repucoes work together
The Wholomid social justice scale, the transaction is rate indexed from -12 to +12. A sweatshop type manufacturing might peer determined rate a -9 while a cooperative venture might rate a +8. All scales for transactions fall in between -12 to +12 along each scale.A percentage of the exchange is transferred from the lower in ratings to the higher in scale.
The Wholonomic values are reinforced with guidance is towards the renewal of natural intelligence.
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