The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionists are philosophers and saints.
A Purpose of the CoHeroGen (cohere + hero + gen for genius and generating) Portex is to Raise IperDtoken holders towards Well-Being and Genius through IperDtoken Benefits.
CoHeroGen ShoPlace – ShoPlace while it says “shop place” is pronounced Show Place
Also using shop is more personalized or local then using store
Cure-Rated (pronounced “curated”) Genius or Cure-Rated Well-Being Here everything we offer is curated and cure rated.
We are going to Private Label Well-being products such as “CoHeroGen – Genomic Core ReStore”, “SomaStem ReGen”, “Aquacoherence”.
WholeSale Category areas
WholoSpheres for Enhanced Potential
WholoSphere 1 PhiSolama Well-Being Currents
Issue Tokens with Well-Being Benefits – All kind of great ways to be more wonderful
Wholosphere 2 Educurrents
WholoSphere 3 Augmented Genius Solutions
WholoSphere 4 Somacogenomics Rejuvenation, regeneration, restoration
WholoSphere 5 Altech (not alt tech) Great new technologies
WholoSphere 6 Survival Tectics Catalogs with survival stuff
WholoSphere 7 Personal Everything
Each Wholosphere has in a grid Area or topic going down Ex. clothing Type or Treatment etc across Futuristic clothing, downhome clothing, magical clothing, etc click on square and catalogs open they open the catalog and order with Xat and IperDtoken calculated and included. This goes through the backend for disbursement. They click on the square to go to the “remedy” product purchase page.
Some CoHeroGen Sectors
Augmented Genius
Frequency Organic
Weight Results
Household Utopia
Living Fashion
Body Enhancements
Evolutionary Tools
Wealth Links
Token holders have mobile optimized replicated websites with and with all the features they expect – the creation of profiles, promotions, related items, wish lists, product review and customer “autoship” management including physicals and the digital and assistants domains.
A “join now” feature enables online token holder frictionless enrollment directly though their website. Additionally, to access the shops, referrer identified.
We are combining the very best of the current online shopping experiences with the specific needs of IperDToken Holders with seamless integration with their HyperD Giftcurrent Distribution.
They have Wealthworks for their social sharing of products etc, along with a robust and evolving promotions engine with ongoing training modules.
The result will be a Shopping Cart with a new level of credibility for tokenholders and crowd valuation and a higher level of ease for the shopper.
Amplified Genius Leaders Delivering Potentials and Possibility are the Drivers of The New Wealth.
We use AGP –Augeni – Augmented Genius Protocols. Token holders are given Augmented Genius Protocols to find out and then actualize and deliver their best well being pathways for health and wholeness.
Shoplace Network
The Holomid translating and transforming fiat exchanges into Wholonomic Revaluation Expressions.
The Holomid Networth generate the base for The CoHeroGen Currents
GlobaMid receives with fiduciary responsibility for the supply side margins where benefits are provided to the Token Holders.
IperDToken Holders as users of the Holomid receive benefits through the HyperDimensional eXchange Linkfield (HD..XL..).
Wholonomics shops with millions of customers in multiple verticals. Enroll them as IperDtoken Holders to automatically receive Coherogen Benefits and Wealthwork opportunities.
To qualify to be an IperDtoken Holder, they agree to do at least 10% of their online marketing through one of the IperDtoken Network Portals, one of the shops. The member receives their product and Currents they can spend on raising their well-being and genius in the broadest sense of that. The spending can be on collective projects, using of Locamid Currents, personal health regimes, learning new mind skills, opening the heart for greater emotional intelligence, training and mentoring courses to be an engineer or whatever interest them.These Currents have to be actively used for a benefit to themselves or others.
$100 purchase translates into the purchase plus $100 + in Coherogen IperDtoken benefits through leveraging the margins.
Fiat Margins goes into The GlobaMid PorTex empowered to provide Well-Being Benefits to the Token Holders in the best way possible.
MultiDcurrents are issued to Token Holders through The WholoMid to acquire Well-Being Support and Genius Enhancements. So for every unit of fiat margin or other values storages an amount of Currents are issued roughly equal to in purchase power of the margin amount.
The Currents value increases as it is decentralized.
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all”]Projects
Wholonomics Univerality (University) – Wholonomic Colleges Offer a 4 year graduate training in Geniusology.
Develop the Genispedia and Nouspedia
We comprehensively test and make available every kind of well-being and intelligence tools to all IperDtoken Holders. This is what the Globamid implements with margin funds.
We make tests available to assess every kind of intelligence and scale it and track it. Coherogen Tokens and Currents are used to balance accounts.
Open every option, open all the fields of Genius, a genius delivery system using MultiDcurrents focused through Dimension Zero.
As a scientific service we begin by assessing the ground of intelligences the Token Holder has realized.
The scale ranges from the most idiotic dysfunctional to the greatest geniuses in the type category of Genius mastery amazingness. From 25 to 1000 in a logarithmic curve. 1000 is the highest limit 990 to 1000 is equal to 800 to 900.
For example:
Verbal – Literary – Poetry Intelligence
- Rumi – 935
- Shakespeare – 920
- S. Elliot – 760
- Hopkins – 740
- Average graduate – 650
- Published – 670
We can measure everything using supersensonic tools. A book to a movie to an invention. An absolute frequency scale for Intelligence.
Basic intelligence in the category or type is rated 500. The goal is to raise every type to at least 700 for the category.
Certain accomplishments or relative fitness or capability are used to measure. We issue Coherogen Tokens for each category including prizes and contests. The measurement module is an aspect of the value.
Wholonomic CoHeroGen (WoloMid) is rooted and grounded in providing Value through Genius enhancements.
These can be hacks to jump levels. You increase rating by doing actions and being assessed as to intelligence demonstration.
The Coherogen issues intelligence currents in exchange for wholocurrents.
For example:
- Being part of an art show at a gallery in New York raises your Art Quotient by 5 points.
- Selling a piece another 5 points
- Number of pieces increases
- styles
- medias
- 2D and 3D
- writing on art and published – +5 point,
- Rendering objects, +5
- Energy
- Persistence
- Some manifesto basis for the art + 10
Category Set 1
Fluidity of Mind and Being
Capacity for Fixed Attention
Merging of the Three Minds into an Illuminated Mind
Category Set 2
Sensitive to others
Fixing things
Buddhic Awareness
- Empathy
- Lovingness
- Self Centerness
2 D
3 D
Category Set 3
Team Genius Score – What are the characteristics
Civilizational Intelligence Level
Compare according to what increases the intelligence type and what decreases it.
Qualities of Genius
Genius across spectrums, levels, categories, manifestations.
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”all”] [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
- Portex 4- Repu Coes
- Portex 5 – Dimension Zero Tokens
- Portex 10 – Clearinghome Sovereign Accounting
- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
- Portex 16 -Communecology Locamids
- Portex 18 – Wholotics
- Portex 17 – Globamid
- Portex 20 – CoXexus NetsWorth
- Portex 21 – Smartchain Escrow
- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
- Portex 22 – Creator Celebration Gigitalism
- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
- Portex 24 – Pyranomic Pyracoin
- Portex 26 Civilization 3.0 Prototyping Coin Offer
- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
- Wolomid Phisolama Flosort Tokens
- School of Wholonomics – Wholonomics University
- Base 12 Tokens
Recent Posts
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- The System moves towards Sustainability
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- History of Accumulating and Creating Value – How Humans accumulated Wealth and Value in Different Eras
- Marketfield
- Millaurum Gold StableD Coe
- Stage 2 Metamarket
- Wholonomic and Pyranomic Language
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Pyranomics is Broken
- Transcending Accounting Economics
- Building a True Alt-Tribalism
- The Launch of Super Platforms
- Tokens
- Restructuring Pyramid Space
- The Whole
- Solamids and Present Pricing Systems
- What is the Whole?
- Crowd Offer Platform Notes
- What is Work Value?
- More on Wholonomic Cosmology
- Wholeness, The Whole and Wholonomics
- Why Use the Term Current?
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Why Bitcoin May not Last – Energy Consumption
- For Announcement
- Wholoarchial Currentism
- Every Paradigm has a Creation Story
- Hyperintelligence
- Wholonomic Development
- Notes on Alternative Exchange Options
- Wholonomic Art 1
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrent Healthaid
- Globamid – Collective Intelligence Can It Save the Planet?
- WholoTeams and Holoships Notes
- Addressing our distraction addiction
- More Introduction
- An Impressionistic View of Currency
- Wholonoetics Physics of The Whole
- Wholonomic Cosmology 1
- Open systems and Closed Systems – What is different 1
- Benefits Distribution Fractal Geometry
- Leverage Points
- Crowd Funded Blast
- Community Value Liberation
- Wholonomics Glossary of Terms – Partial
- Dapp Token Keys
- Wholonomics Raise
- Wholonomics CrowdFunded
- alt Finance Solutions
- Aligning Moral and Economic Incentives
- Two Economies and The Third to Integrate them
- Promotion Tools