Pyranomics is the Keystone in the Arch of the Pyramid’s Apex. Here in this transmission Pyranomic Absoluteism is being deconstructed and reconceived.
Reality isn’t out there. Externals can not be our primary values and survive. Reality is an interactive process including consciousness, meaning, compassion, justice and wisdom.
Pyranomics as our core operating standing-wave platform of reality is full of bugs, infecting our minds and soul with viruses, worms and all manner of softwarish creatures.
This corrupted alogo scheme is totally incapable of meeting the co-evolutionary demands of Today and needs to be replaced. NOW!
We can deboot and delete the Pyra-corrupted software
Pyranomics weaves together theories, standards, and methods mixed with hypno-induced beliefs and is used as a control grid on Human and Other Awarenesses.
Pyra refers to pyramid as well as fire, the consuming of order to feed entropic schemes leaving ashes to be picked apart by Pyrates as vulture economics.
Humanity cannot survive dependent on a Vector Function that endlessly transfers the Wealth of the Whole to the apex.
Money and to a large extent community has long since been robbed of meaning and connection.
Some Pyranomic Words and Terms
- Pyranomics
- Pyrasites
- Pyramid Paradigm
- Pyraparasitism
- Pyramoney
- Vector Money
- Pyracracy
- Apex
- Vibrational Construct
The Pyramid Paradigm is all about controlling Space through vectors. The direction of the vector of control is from powerless to the powerful. From exploited to the exploiter.
Power of a few is based on the exploitation of the rest and our sources of natural wealth. This vector is what we call money.
The Pyramid “takes up space.” It is a lower dimensional and vibrational construct. Pyramid architecture in its profound limitations automatically generates stratification of resources, knowledge and opportunity, sourcing pain and despair.
The power of a few is based on the exploitation of the rest, on every level.
In this constructed constricting framework of pyrasitic space we find only imprisonment of falsehood.
Pyranomics lead to increasingly extreme inequality between the richest and poorest. The poorest being left ultimately with nothing and thus eliminated and the rich have everything except just enough power given to maintain their servant class.
Pyranomics figures out how we should live for them, without a true consensus of what best serves society. We give up our rights through apathy and greed and conflicts of the mind. Focusing on maintaining the appearance by settling on making ends meet we allow conditions that do not come from the peoples but from the Apexsites. We need for the Context To Wake-Up.
As long as we believe in this end of times story, we are slaves to the forms of this system, by continuing to maintain them, in conscious and unconscious ways.
The pyramid represents a form of political and social control that allows a small group of individuals to benefit off of a much larger group.
A pyramid has progressively fewer but more powerful power-concentrated levels. Fewer people, more power. Up the pyramid, up the power. Each is one in a million, numbering around six thousand on a planet of six billion. They run our governments, our largest corporations, international finance, the media, world religions, and the world’s most dangerous criminal and terrorist organizations. They are the global superclass, and they have been shaping the history of our time. Today’s superclass has achieved unprecedented levels of wealth and power. They have globalized more rapidly than any other group. They have more in common with one another than with their own countrymen. They control and benefit from globalization more than anyone else. Their influence feeds growing economic and social inequity that divides the world.
What happens behind closed door meetings in Davos or aboard corporate jets at 41,000 feet? Who sets the rules for a group that operates beyond national laws?
This is why we must absorb all the wealth of the world and return it to a principled existence.
This primary Vector Archetype is the very Root of Western Economics. This is the controlling Paradigm.
Corporations, Banks, Governments, organized religions, form the network while lesser structures mimic the global form, and to form from this Template to manage and mete out status and influence.
Bluntly put, everything in this human world is held by one core archetypal paradigm, an archetype, a primary template. This paradigm archetype won a long time ago is preventing the evolution of a new basis for human life. We can not ever make the transition from that paradigm platform. It can not happen any more than you can have a computer made only wood.
The Occult Empire of the Pyrasites is a massive pyramid super-structure of corrupted streams of being held in place by massive amounts of resource waste and destruction.
All this code corruption to maintain the “Temple Institutions of the Eyepex”.
Ultimate result of this archetypal space is the appearance of totalitarian forms of government where absolute political power is held by socio-psychopathic elite few and their effect on the people is such that the entire society is increasingly ruled and motivated and delineated by pathological values. This is inherent
From the Pyramid Paradigm, evolves the suppression of individualism and creativity, impoverishment of artistic values.
Moral values get corrupted based on a social structure of self-interest and one-upmanship, altruism is suppressed.
Fanatical manipulation-based ideologies arise. Intolerance and suspicion especially of anyone who disagrees with the higher stratas of The Paradigm Construct, the “State and Corporation”. Everyone is a target for a role of servitude.
Control is centered and concentrated into an increasingly few in number. With the absence of a moral compass, corruption is the norm.
With Pyranomics, the mirror of the mind reflects externals. Externals control the “mood”.
With Wholonomics the Mirror reflects Wholeness. This Resonance of Wholeness allow the “mood” to become more Aware.
Inspired by your Inner Wolomid personal anarchy, our behavior rewards what serves the Whole. Self-adjusting feedback loops tunes the frequency. Credit creation function is a Trust held in common agreement.
PyraMoney inherently makes everything more dysfunctional
In the big picture, even when we appear to prosper, there are unseen and unknown costs. Our meager efforts can not balance the effects and impacts our using Pyramoney. All the real costs are offset into the environment and into the psychic dimensions of humanity.
Money now has an unfair advantage. It is not subject to entropy. By means of threat to withdraw from the marketplace, taking his non-deteriorating money with him, he can force the producer compelled by the law of entropy to lower the price of his ever-deteriorating goods.
This is the inevitable and inequitable consequence of adopting money that is also the store of value. The Supplier of money is granted an unjust and unfair power over the Demander of Currency the producer/seller. Money as it is naturally encourages its possessor to mistreat his fellow man by taking advantage of the relative weakness of his bargaining position.
The product of labor – sweat and effort are subject to the natural laws of entropy.
farmers produce spoils.
Product have a shelf life. They deteriorate, or are superseded.
Product of labor are compelled by the laws of entropy to find a buyer promptly. If it does not, the producer – who has no personal use for surplus – inevitably suffers loss.
He wears the carrying cost of deteriorating product if it remains unsold.
The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, for them, most of mankind is garbage – “human garbage.” It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now.
Pyrasites operate in absolute unison against public benefit, against a better life for mankind in which the individual is free to develop his or her innate creativity, a life free of war and bloodshed.
Officers and directors who run corporations are actually duty-bound to act in the corporation’s best financial interest, and that means they are obliged to do whatever they can within the law to make money. Thus, this fiduciary duty requires corporate management to set aside ethical niceties when they get in the way of corporate profits. This is why tobacco companies market their products to kids when they can – only laws prohibiting such conduct will keep them from doing so.
This is especially true when we are dealing with large, publicly traded corporations. Whereas a small corporation could have local ownership, management, and community roots that might resist the drive for profit in certain situations, publicly traded corporations almost always answer to institutional investors and have tremendous pressure to produce short-term profits. The management chain in a publicly traded corporation is necessarily geared for profit, not ethics.
Pyramid Space limits us to a Three dimensional Social Space
Only the lower dimensions are acknowledged.
Three-dimensional reality is only a subset of a series of hyperspatial dimensions that are the physics of our very existence. From Humans to stars to galaxies to life itself. Wholonomics reflects and expresses this understanding
Money is deliberately maintained scarce. Even though the means are in plenty, never enough money is the theme of life written by the Pyralites who ALWAYS have way more than enough.
Pyrasites are addicted to their paradigm power and will recognize no other. They equate paradigm survival with their own personal survival.
They will manipulate and control society in order to prevent any social or cultural advancement out of the existing paradigms. They will actively ignore and suppress public knowledge of this. They will intimidate populations to no end to remain within the status quo paradigm.
Liberating these paradigms will result in paradigm death and death to those and that, that fight to maintain the Pyrasite’s paradigm.
Pyrasites are not only players on the stage of Humanity’s Planet, but they are also a kind of psycho-spiritual AI mechanical entity is effectively manipulating the human mind. They manipulate to allow themselves to continue to play out their inhumane agenda with distorted and corrupting ways.
The Pyrasites do not believe in a future without money obligations. They believe we will have to pay off debt forever or be liquidated.
They will never see us free of being ruled by plutocrats who are ruled by greed.
They will never see us free of private central banks debiting our exchange of life with interest and tribute and hire-archy slavery.
“No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of large amounts of highly toxic substances which nobody knows how to make “safe” and which remain an INCALCULABLE danger to the whole of creation for historical or even GEOLOGICAL AGES.
To do such a thing is a transgression against life itself, a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime ever perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilization could sustain itself on the basis of such a transgression is an ethical, spiritual, and metaphysical monstrosity.
It means conducting the economic affairs of man as if people (all life forms) really did not matter at all.”
— E.F. Schumacher
These Pyrasites hire the scientist and then take away the power the scientist creates through his inventions. This power is then used for their own purposes, at immense human and material cost to mankind. The goal is a New World Order, a One World Government, under their control. Secrecy and anonymity is integral to the operations. You don’t want the exploited to know they are being exploited. Do you? ruthlessness, deception spying, blackmail. Pitching one group against another to weaken the competition and the possibility of a new Game nations against each other, and aims at the destruction of religion and other traditional values, creates chaos, deliberately spreads poverty and misery, and then usurps power placing its stooges in place.
Wars, “revolutions” and assassinations are part of their tactics to destroy traditional civilization and traditional religions (as in Soviet Russia), amass wealth and power, eliminate opponents, and proceed relentlessly towards their avowed goal, generation after generation. They operate through covert and overt societies and organizations.
Societies became divided between the rulers and the ruled, exploiters and exploited. Brutal competition for power creates a relentless play-or-die, rule-or-be-ruled dynamic of violence and oppression serving to elevate the most ruthless to the highest positions of power.
The peoples of the dominant human societies lose their sense of attachment to the living earth. They cease to be Peoples but become Individuals, atomized and controlled, penned in.
Major portions of resources available to human societies and their needs have been diverted to supporting military forces, prisons, palaces, temples, and patronage for retainers and propagandists on which the Pyranomic System depends.
Great civilizations built by ambitious rulers fell to successive waves of corruption and conquest.
Underlying patterns of domination have remained the same.
A few on top, so most must be on the bottom. The powerful control through their pyramid command and their Pyranomic structures of exploitation.
Institutionalizing the processes by which it will be decided who enjoys the privilege and who pays the price, a choice that excludes from Apex Power whole groups of persons based on race and gender and whom you are probably part of.
A progressive negative selection takes place in society, the people most suited to any given role are gradually replaced by those with more advanced pathological behavior.
This can clearly be seen in Western Pyranomics where, to get ahead, it is almost obligatory to be ruthless and amoral, most specifically those who compose the Pyraparasite Elite, the Pyrasite Class.
The biggest problem with all this is, a predatory global financial system, driven by the single imperative of vectoring to them ever more value as money to those who already have lots of it, is that its rapidly depleting the real capital the human, social, natural, and even etheric capital on which everybody’s well-being depends.
This scheme is run by a network of pyraparasitic entities who shoot sleeping poisons into the consciousness of Humanity. Humanity hardly stands a chance unless they become hip to it and then move to eliminate the Parasitic domination.
Or otherwise in the end, they will consume their host and ultimately destroy themselves. And then the cycle starts up again, if there is anything to get cycled up again this time around.
At to the top, the entire structure is dominated by the “Winners“.
What are the qualities to be a “Winner” in the Pyramid World? Well, Ego is important, the more the better. Also severe indoctrination into the Pyramid Paradigm as the only option.
Qualities and Values; greed, short-sighted selfishness, willingness to commodify their fellow humans and the eco-system. Absence of sense of responsibility towards the whole. Willingness to participate in entropic schemes. Belief that “this” is just the way it is.
The extreme Ego conditions of The Pyramid lead to all kinds of corrupted psychological reasoning and effects such as mass pharmaceutical enslavement.
The Control apparatus is composed of secret activities and private groups who decide for the rest while the surveillance of the general population grows absolute.
Pyramids grow paranoid and reactionary, excessive, arbitrary, unfair and inflexible.
Hypocrisy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class towards the ideals they claim to follow and towards the citizens they claim to represent. “Winning” is the only real value to them.
Communication is controlled, enslaved by propaganda.
Rule by force and/or fear of force.
The very purpose of The Pyramid is to exploit. People are only a ‘resource’ to be exploited. As is Nature.
Spiritual life is considered a threat so it is channeled for purposes of control and confusion and to lead the People to a condition of inner powerlessness.
Anyone attempting to go beyond this space is considered a heretic or insane or fringe, and therefore dangerous.
Class, ethnicity, creed and every other form of distinction and difference are used to inflame the emotions and attitudes of the People.
Suppression or the diverting of free speech into unimportant and distracting channels. Public debate, demonstration and protest are criminalized.
The Pyramid Archetype leads to violations of basic human rights, restriction or denial of basic life necessities of food, water and shelter; detainments with or without charges; torture and abuse and slave labor.
Addictive processes permeate every social system.
In the current world, humans are “ownable”, exploitable, controllable commodities useful only insofar as they can either command or generate capital, that is vector monitarized value.
Suppression or the diverting of free speech into unimportant and distracting channels. Public debate, demonstration and protest are criminalized.
Pay to play is the rule of Pyranomic systems. Pure Pyrasites main value is egoic power culminating in fully owning everything that controls till the host dies.
How long can a house stand eroding its own foundation? Pyranomics will implode, collapse and de-energize while Wholonomics is birthed.
Pyramids collapse. They always do. Their very space prevent it from planning ahead. It crystallizes, can not act fast enough allowing catastrophic crisis to hit.
Civilizations share a common path with a sharp curve of decline. Our civilization’s demise has begin. Warnings are everywhere.
The Apex Pyramid has to go. It is Time!
Those who are the apex are driven mad. They become homo economicus, driven to greater and greater consumption of Natural Wealth through technological feats and moral defeats. Driven to build empires on a foundation of imposed debt they are divided against themselves. Pyranomic Space is inherently divided with itself. Split. Wholeness of love is not a principle.
Babylon Empire of Zion, Empire of Rome, the Dollar extension of the Crown Empire and all other Empires will all be undone.
Pyraparasitism infecting the Paradigm organism causes their subjects to become competitive, insecure, obedient, brain dead, soul-disconnected creatures generating violence and suffering, confusion and despair with culture-wide pain.
Pyrasites are not about developing our talents, abilities, or potential, meaning, compassion, justice, and wisdom. Giving and withholding external rewards makes us controllable.
Pyrasite society grades according to a hierarchy of externals. Race, gender, age, status, group affiliation, and income.
People with pyramoney don’t work in sweatshops or sell their children into slavery.
Big problem with externals, they become the means for enslavement.
Organized crime has taken control, a runaway pyracracy running a runaway slavecracy.
Wholonomics has a self-organizing geometric inclusion that liberates the actions of more and more of humanity.
Socialism, Communism, Fascism, even classic Free Enterprise, none acknowledge we live on a planet of limited resources. All are based on assumptions that the planet has infinite resources.
The transition to Wholonomics will be a major shock to the Pyranomic system. Most people try to avoid significant short-term pain even if there are tremendous long-term benefits so we must make this as pleasant as possible
Pyraparasitic Power is held through only a few mechanisms.
They control the “economics agenda”.
The Apex of the Pyramid control the creation of currency as legal tender status. Thus they hold the “copyright on money”. Through this they get a hold on the monopoly on credit creation.
Credit creators hold control to central functions of currency, defining the measure of value and the unit of account used.
PyraParasites do what essentially all parasites do. They find the weaknesses in their host, this case the general population and exploit them.
They cause the host to become dependent in some way and then extract their energy and resources for their use. If the host becomes determined to rid themselves of the parasite, well then the parasite will attempt to weaken the host sufficiently so they can no longer resist.
Pyrasites mimic the values of the host so the host will support the parasite even to it’s own detriment
Pyraparasites have huge power today. They will do anything and I mean anything to keep Wholonomics from ever being implemented.
We are indoctrinated into believing the present system works for us. In reality, Pyranomics is a hindrance on every level. Debt incurred. Taxes and inflation. All hinder mobility.
The Working Class has become the Working Caste. The host gets hammered through 70,000 pages of taxes, inflation, and increasing overhang in regards to regulations. The Pyrasites are effectively waived/bypassed for the majority of taxes. People fail to understand that the political parasites and econo’parasites function together against the portions of the host with still some juice. They eventually have to go after it all and then each other, to survive another day even if it is only another day.
Uses the Lower Caste host segments to control through threats the juicy hosts segments. Inflation sucks power from the host. Pyrasites are politically protected by government.
They want a weak and pliant host to live off of and feed their perverse pleasures. They want a large lower class, no middle, and just the pyraparasitic class at the top.
Politics act as a buffer and scapegoat should the host rise to destroy the pyrasites.
Pyrasites use shocks to cement their debt-based control system.
Pyrasites are a tiny minority, a hierarchy of parasites with many wanabes suck-ups. They control the mind and resources out of nothing but core hypnotic belief solidified as conditions and the ability to determine and channel values.
They will do anything to absorb, discredit or destroy whatever challenges their Apex Power but this will be their downfall.
The Wholonomics is a poison pill healing us of the Pyrasites and can destroy their ability to condemn humanity.
Power of Pyranomics
Pyranomics enable governments to spend beyond their means, charging the populace through “secret or unseen taxes” such a inflation and periodic widespread personal and small company bankruptcy.
The apex power controls how money power is distributed giving themselves the power to control politics and resources reaping untold riches off this power.
Pyranomic Mechanisms of Control
Pyranomics hold power through a few main mechanisms ultimately controlled through our collective space or paradigm.
The Apex of the Pyramid control the creation of currency legal tender status. That is they hold the “copyright on money”.
Through this they hold a monopoly on credit creation.
Pyranomic currency creators control the central functions of currency as the measure of value together as the unit of account.
Wholonomics make these distinct, measurement and store of value.
Pyranomics tie our powers in straitjackets. We are capable of vastly more than we ever imagined. If we have human brains, we’re geniuses, and the only reason we’re not experiencing our minds’ heart powers is that they’ve been shut down by stress, negative programming, trauma or mind-numbing boredom.
Pyranomics put external values first so the consciousness dimensions are dismissed. It has neither use nor place.
Pyranomics has no room for us, so we become twisted to try to fit, grasping for a place to hold dear to, angry at never finding our place and insatiable in our seeking for our place we can never find.
Pyranomics teaches that humans are ownable, exploitable, controllable commodities useful only as they can either command or generate capital. In the US an unemployable inner city youth is worth nothing but in prison he is worth $30,000 to $50,000 at least.
Pyranomics can not acknowledge our innate worth as value to the Paradigm Believers are always relative to the externals.
So we all feel our dignity has been stolen by this devaluation of what is most precious to us. We become objects within their “context” software and are treated as such. But we are not really software objects, are we?
We have little option but to submit to the value crimes of the paradigm. We adapt in part by building cellular walls between the stages of resource extraction and distribution. If we saw the effects of all our decisions? What then?
We adopt to the roles rather than having the roles adopt to us. We are fitted to the cultural agenda
The purpose of Pyranomic therapies is keeping people functional or locked into established social structures.
As inner values mean nothing, however miserable our lives may be and however abusive or wrong-headed the social structures, we must adjust. Well-adjusted means mental health.
Therapy’s purpose is mopping up the mess through system of worthless human labeling symbols that social systems make of our lives. They do so by convincing us that the mess is our fault, our failing, our screwiness.
If we don’t conform, adjust, fit in, and measure up, something must be wrong with us. We become frozen in grief or shock; non-functional feeling.
Concentrated by the Pyramid Vector, interest burdened money makes it expensive to use adding unnecessary costs to every stage of production and distribution.
Inflation is the dilution of credit then re-absorption of riches by the Pyramid Controllers.
Apex power decides whose interests will be favored. Money concentrates power and wealth, the rich get richer; everyone else gets poorer. Periodic cycles of depression and inflation derive from the actions of the Apex controllers.
Pyranomics cause social and international conflict and ecological destruction. Pyranomics is inefficient and inequitable. Needs go unmet because the flow is not shared, so is deficient.
Dependent on Pyranomic Money
We are utterly dependent on Pyranomic money. We hardly have a choice. Yet we know Pyranomic money is an utter failure. Most have little or none. They cannot do what they need to live in this world – Others have vast amounts yet does them and the world no good.
We live measured to money to survive. Where we would cooperate and simplify, we compete and consume without compassion. Getting the most for the least we become insulated from and asleep to the materialization results of our inner world as outer collective circumstances.
We seek the best bargains even if we damage others. As individuals, businesses, churches, governments and even humanity as a whole we act as separate survivors.
Pyranomic logic is forces us as a society, as a generation to have everything ourselves no matter what consequences our excesses and negligence bring for others, now and in the future.
Interest and Debt
Compound interest cause debts to grow with the passage of time. Money supply expanded only by making additional loans, so the amount of money available to repay loans is always deficient.
Manipulation of interest rates upsets the natural adjustment mechanisms.
Monetization of government debt dilutes the value of all money and hides real taxes.
The apex predator monetizes collateral through loans against assets, ultimately owning most of the assets this way, reducing the power of everyone else.
For an exchange medium to come into existence a debt to a central clearinghouse such as a bank occurs. By creating credit, debt circulates. This debt incurs interest effecting cost all along the production-distribution-consumption path causing debt stress to grow. This in turn pressures the economy to grow exponentially.
This growth of debt causes the voracious consumption of natural resources, the production of unnecessary goods with a concentrating distribution of wealth. All this from pyramoney malfunctionality.
Pyramoney is kept artificially scarce and expensive because interest is charged.
Pyramoney is misallocated at its source.
Pyramoney forces artificial growth.
Pyramoney are simply loans. The higher up the pyramid the better the terms; low interest, minimal collateral and actual access. The lower on the pyramid the worst terms you receive until at a certain level there are simply no terms to be received. You are locked out.
Pyranomics starve productive enterprises, flames destructive cycles.
Vectorized Pyramoney with a controlled supply created by the Pyramid. We compete for a share of limited directed away from your life towards a few.
Pyramoney can go anywhere and does, leaving communities without a stable and dependable basis of exchange. Pyramoney creates conditions of competition and scarcity.
Pyranomic Money Issues
Pyranomic money is scarce, runs back towards the issuing pyramid apex.
Can not keep the balance between too much and too little.
Disfunctional distribution of freedom.
Has astronomical costs beside the entropic imperative disastrous effects on our society there are- costs of creation and security, administarion, operations and accounting, the costs of interest, the costs of the courts, propaganda cost, costs of parasites that feed on the vector flow of money (Pharmos, Medical, Security…).
Inflation Hurts Trust
Inflations and hyperinflations don’t just hurt money, they hurt people and the societies they live in.
Inflating money is less trustworthy money going to less trustworthy people. People doing business trust each other less. Those who are farthest from the apex suffer the most.
Systemic inflation is a form of covert theft!
Artificial Scarcity
There can never ever have enough pyramoney for every debtor to pay what is owed to creditors. Debt increases with the passage of time as interest compounds. The supply of money to pay loans with interest can be maintained only as creditor creators make additional loans. New loans have the same problem. Businesses and individuals are forced to compete for markets and pyramoney to avoid defaulting on their debts. But some have to fail in this task even if they are providing value to the community.
Compound interest cause debts to expand with the passage of time. Money supply can be expanded only by making additional loans, so the amount of money available to repay loans is always deficient.
Concentration Up towards The “Pyramid Eyepex”
Capital and interest wealth becomes ever more concentrated in giant corporate conglomerates, who are in turn forced to seek higher returns on their investments. They are driven to expand their markets and to dominate economies.
This is often done through government application of military and other power to assure continued flow of low-priced raw materials and the availability of low-cost labor.
Pyramoney itself by it’s values and space Depletes Natural Capital
In Pyranomics human based organizations compete for investment funds against more lucrative financial games of the world of pure pyramidology. Corporations have little choice but to use their economic and political power to externalize ever growing portions of their costs onto the community.
Dynamics of Pyranomics force cost externalization. workers and communities are pitted against one another in a deadly race to the bottom.
Competing for the jobs corporations offer, workers and communities are compelled to deplete real wealth to make corporations more profitable. Responding to the pressures of the pyramid vector, corporations deplete social capital by moving production to places where they can pay less than a living wage or use the threat of moving jobs to break up labor unions and bargain down wages
Credit Interest causes a transfer of wealth from those lower on the pyramid to those higher up the pyramid class structure, from producers to non-producers.
The direct payment of interest on their own debts is not enough, the poor and middle-class majority pay the cost of interest added at every stage of production. Lower income households because they are net debtors pay much more interest than they receive. Those up the pyramid receive most of their income as interest and equity leverage return on investments.
Pyranomic Money in limited and controlled supply is issued, that is created by the apex finance units. We have to compete for a share of a limited quantity with limiting qualities.
Pyramoney can go anywhere and does go everywhere but mainly up the vector hierarchy, leaving communities without a sufficient medium of exchange.
Pyranomic money creates conditions of competition and scarcity.
Pyranomics enable governments to spend beyond their means, charging the populace through “secret or unseen taxes” such a inflation and widespread personal and group distress. The apex controls how riches are distributed giving themselves the power to control politics and resources, reaping more and more benefits off this power.
Pyramoney Runs Up
Pyranomic money is scarce because it runs up towards the issuing pyramid apex, can not keep the balance between too much and too little leading to disfunctional distribution.
Pyramoney has astronomical costs. Beside the entropic effects on our society are costs of creation and security, administration, operations and accounting, costs of interest, costs of the courts, propaganda costs.
All these are costs of parasites that feed on the vector flow of money, Pharmos, Medical, Security…
Pyramoney is an instrument of political power manipulated by and for limited private interests. “Credit created when banks make loans.” This monopoly is the collective root illusion.
“Borrowers” must pay interest on every dollar with debt growing faster than the money supply.
Credit Interest leads to Transfer of Wealth Up the Pyramid
Gains from productive activity are shifted from working people to money people. Stress of attempting to maintain self and family on insecure jobs paying less than a family wage leads to family breakdown and violence again depleting the social capital of society.
Deplete human capital by hiring under conditions that lead to physical burnout after three or four years. Once eyesight problems, allergies, kidney problems, and repetitive stress injuries deplete their efficiency, they are replaced by a fresh supply of younger women. Such practices destroy lives and deplete society’s human capital.
Deplete the Earth’s natural capital through strip mining forests, fisheries, and mineral deposits, dumping wastes, and aggressively marketing toxic chemicals.
Deplete institutional capital by fighting environmental and other regulations essential to the long-term health and viability of society.
Corporations further demand direct public subsidies, subsidized infrastructure, and relief from their fair share of taxes. This shifts a greater share of the tax burden onto working people and undermines the credibility and performance of government in its essential functions, thus eroding the legitimacy of democratic government.
Deplete business capital. Ultimately destroys itself
Corporate managers are forced into a short-term view even in regard to their own operations. They cut investment in research and training essential to their own future prospects. As they downsize, the sharp employee quickly learns to use the job only to build a resume to attract a higher bidder. These actions erode the corporation’s own human, intellectual, social, and physical capital.
Intent on making ever more money for those who already have money even at the cost of depleting the natural, human, institutional, and social capital on which the very survival of society depends the money system becomes like a cancer that consumes its host and ultimately destroys itself.
Execs of publicly traded corporations who fail to maximize profits because of a moral aversion to engaging in such predatory practices are almost certain to be eliminated by the system, even if he runs an otherwise profitable operation. Where the shareholders don’t step in, a corporate raider most surely will.
Pyranomics is a cancer that consumes its host and ultimately destroys itself.
Going Pyranomic Always turns everything Robotic
Pyranomics is fraud based on force with an exponential growth curve. This leads to astronomical amplification enabling now computer/machine entities to take over the money/murder machine!
Controlling through huge lies drives The Pyrasites MAD!
With this madness comes systemic psychotic breakdowns, ever more genocidal and democidal. The worst science fiction nightmares ever imagined faster than just about everybody predicted.
Only a miracle can prevent this. Otherwise, we are on an accelerating runaway of tragedy.
Pyrasitic Infestation Gone Amuck
An ultimate result of this Psychotic space is programming computers and robots to take control of the money system, and the murder system, with these programmed “actors” not caring about human beings and life, but only caring about their master’s abstract calculations.
Our entire civilization astronomically amplified; runaway with Garbage In/Garbage Out programing, with human beings and life defined as the garbage.
Every form of exchange becomes increasingly opaque. We do not really know what is happening anymore, do we? Politically, economically, socially, or any other way; it is all more and more opaque.
The manufactured realm of illusion makes this a prison planet.
Becoming “healthy” comes to mean adjusting to the archetypal dynamic’s definitions of healthy.
This is the global interrupt, and it is no longer reparable. It is not sustainable. It expresses a dysfunctional space, destructive in its chaos enhancement. This is what’s been interrupting the natural processes, the natural intelligence emerging over a long and ancient flow of time. Those who are sensitive are able to feel it.
It has gotten so extreme that the Earth itself is no longer holding things together.
Credit is misallocated at its source. It goes to finance government deficit spending. Weapons and military interventions. Payments to corporate clients. Large chunks finance real estate developments supported by inflated land values and overblown prospects of profitability.
We find an abundance of hotels, resorts, and upscale residential construction but a chronic shortage of affordable housing.
Everything is measured and valued according to the dictates of this one core template. Our destiny is expressed through and is limited by this core crystallizing structural pattern. Our political apparatus is saturated with this paradigm to and through its bones.
Also, precisely the ego is this too. The two are one and the same. Embedded in this framing are fabricated regions of Pyranomic Internalization.
People become little ego machines as they toil through a machine of monstrous ego. And all this disrupts the natural order of the ages.
Vectorized Pyramoney with a controlled supply created by the Pyramid. We compete for a share of limited directed away from your life towards a few.
Pyramoney can go anywhere and does, leaving communities without a stable and dependable basis of exchange. Pyramoney creates conditions of competition and scarcity.
Credit Interest causes a transfer of wealth from those lower on the pyramid to those higher up the pyramid class structure, from producers to non-producers.
The direct payment of interest on their own debts is not enough, the poor and middle-class majority pay the cost of interest added at every stage of production. Lower income households because they are net debtors pay much more interest than they receive. Those up the pyramid receive most of their income as interest and equity leverage return on investments.
Pyramoney itself by its values and space Depletes Natural Capital.
In Pyranomics human based organizations compete for investment funds against more lucrative financial games of the world of pure pyramidology. Corporations have little choice but to use their economic and political power to externalize ever growing portions of their costs onto the community.
Dynamics of Pyranomics force cost externalization. workers and communities are pitted against one another in a deadly race to the bottom.
Competing for the jobs corporations offer, workers and communities are compelled to deplete real wealth to make corporations more profitable. Responding to the pressures of the pyramid vector, corporations deplete social capital by moving production to places where they can pay less than a living wage or use the threat of moving jobs to break up labor unions and bargain down wages
Modern economics is not a science, but a religion, with arbitrary rules and beliefs designed (like all religion) to enslave and exploit the believers
Pyranomics is Psychotic
Time will tell which type of “persons” – human or corporate – win this struggle.
the notion of corporate personhood. This issue jumped into public consciousness last year after the Supreme Court, in its Citizens United decision, effectively allowed unrestrained corporate influence in American politics, based partially on the idea that corporations are legally “persons” with constitutional rights. Sanders, in calling for the constitutional amendment, declared: “This is an enormously important issue, and how it is resolved will determine, to a significant degree, the future of American democracy.”
What is it about corporate personhood that so concerns Sanders and many others? That question could be answered many ways, but perhaps this is most concise: Corporations are psychotic.
If corporations are indeed “persons,” their mental condition can accurately be described as pathological. Corporations have no innate moral impulses, and in fact they exist solely for the purpose of making money. As such, these “persons” are systemically driven to do whatever is necessary to increase revenues and profits, with no regard for ethical issues that might nag real people.
But, you say, corporations are owned and managed by real people, so surely immoral corporate actions might be inhibited by them? Well, not really. First of all, the officers and directors who run corporations are actually duty-bound to act in the corporation’s best financial interest, and that means they are obliged to do whatever they can within the law to make money. Thus, this fiduciary duty requires corporate management to set aside ethical niceties when they get in the way of corporate profits. This is why tobacco companies market their products to kids when they can – only laws prohibiting such conduct will keep them from doing so.
This is especially true when we are dealing with large, publicly traded corporations. Whereas a small corporation could have local ownership, management, and community roots that might resist the drive for profit in certain situations, publicly traded corporations almost always answer to institutional investors and have tremendous pressure to produce short-term profits. The management chain in a publicly traded corporation is necessarily geared for profit, not ethics.
Thus, the entity is a “person” with a totally self-absorbed psyche, a narcissistic “person” that has enormous resources to advertise and market itself to the public, to hire professionals of all types to influence public opinion, to litigate and lobby as needed, to ruthlessly pursue its goal of revenue and profit, and to join other corporations and industry associations in crushing any opposition posed by mere individuals or public interest groups.
But hasn’t it always been this way? Isn’t that what capitalism is all about – corporate interests driving the economy?
Actually, no. Corporate libertarians would have you believe that somehow corporate dominance is entirely consistent with the values and vision of the Founding Fathers, but this is pure myth. The framers believed in limited government and free markets, but corporations were almost non-existent in the early days of the Republic. Unlike today, one could not form a corporation simply by filing a few papers with a government office; instead, permission from the government was needed (usually via an act of the Legislature) and was granted only upon a showing that the proposed corporation would be in the public interest. When corporate formation was allowed, strict terms and limitations were demanded.
Corporate formation was viewed skeptically in those days because corporations were correctly recognized as dangerous. Unlike sole proprietorships or partnerships, corporations allow investors to pool huge sums of capital and pursue profits while remaining immune from personal liability. Thus, if I own shares of XYZ Corporation and the company breaches a $10 million contract obligation, there is no chance that I will be personally liable on the contract. If I own a sole proprietorship or partnership that breaches such a contract, my personal assets are at risk.
This immunity makes the corporate structure extremely attractive to investors, even absentee investors, which means publicly traded corporations can attract enormous amounts of capital, which in turn results in their wielding great economic power. In modern society where corporations are widespread and commonplace, this economic power enables them to have great social and cultural influence, defining to a large degree how we live our lives and even the values we hold as a society. And of course economic power easily translates to political power as well.
It wasn’t until the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, long after the framers were dead, that corporate interests began to reshape the social, legal, and political environment so that their interests became paramount, far more important to politicians than the interests of ordinary citizens. Corporate personhood was a key part of this scheme.
Thus, while corporate libertarians are quick to point out that the framers and other intellectuals of the founding era were wary of excessive governmental power, they conveniently neglect to mention that concentrated corporate power was also viewed skeptically. In fact, Adam Smith, whose “Wealth of Nations” is often cited by corporate apologists as validating “free markets,” warned against unrestrained, concentrated corporate power and instead encouraged small-scale, local economic activity. Published in 1776, “Wealth of Nations” predates the rise of corporate power, and suggestions by corporate libertarians that the book somehow supports the notion of corporate dominance are either mistaken or outright dishonest.
It’s worth noting that libertarians have no right to claim that a laissez-faire environment would allow unregulated corporate power. Since corporations themselves are a fictitious creation of government, a true libertarian environment (with minimal government) would find them unnecessary and somewhat repugnant. Thus, ironically, at their essence corporations are a creation of government meddling.
The pathological and narcissistic nature of corporate “persons” is reason enough to deny them fundamental constitutional rights that should be reserved for flesh-and-bone persons, but the fact that they also wield economic resources far in excess of those available to real persons magnifies the need to restrain them. Author David C. Korten calls the claim by corporations for constitutional rights equal to those of humans a “legal perversion,” saying that “corporations should obey the laws decided by the citizenry, not write those laws.”
Korten’s statement alludes to why this issue is so critical to effective democracy. Because corporate interests have immense resources that enable them to participate in lobbying and litigation, they effectively control the governmental machine. If individual citizens today feel powerless and cynical about politics and government, who can blame them?
Participatory democracy is not alive and well in America, because pathological corporate interests have complete control of the system. This is why Sanders’s declaration, that the future of American democracy may rely on the outcome of this issue, is not an overstatement. What kind of “persons” will control democracy – corporate or human?
For example, surely the aspect of modern society that would first preoccupy the framers would be our advanced technology, not our governmental structure. Only after marveling for days or weeks about modern technology, from flying in airplanes to sending emails, would the framers’ attention eventually turn to government. Then, of course, in analyzing government, they would certainly assess its expanded role in the proper context, in light of today’s much more complex technological, economic,
Would they feel that government has gotten too big? Perhaps – especially the military. But it’s just as likely that they would conclude that much government expansion – the FDA, the FCC, the FAA, the EPA, Social Security, etc. – are logical results of technological and social development. Of course, all we can do is speculate.
Ignores is that the framers would surely be aghast at the enormous power that Americans have ceded to private corporate institutions. The time-traveling framers would most likely assess American democracy as being ineffective and Americans themselves as being largely uninformed, passive, distracted by petty consumption, and incapable of critical thinking. They would see American politics and society as overtaken by corporate interests that dictate public and social policy to the private citizenry.
consider such matters, its populist energy and enthusiasm put to good use in challenging the corporate “persons” who own and control American democracy and society. By fully considering activists find a new outlet for their angst.
If people could see it how it is |
if we are really threatened by global ecological collapse, why is we are not doing everything about it? Ecosystems do not react linearly to change, but abruptly switch states.
That the global biosphere or global network of ecosystems, is threatening to shift states, if just 7% more ecosystems shift states (collapse at 50% and we are currently at 43%) (Barnosky, 2012).
Managers, planners, and politicians are not coordinating with scientists or experts
Evolution is far less likely than extinction.
So, why is no one doing anything about the very real issues threatening long term human survival? I think it is safe to qualify the situation as an emergency, and thus we should look at research into how people react in emergencies, or why they do not.
5 step process for confronting an emergency
Step one is to notice the emergency itself, which can be hindered by distractions or preoccupation.
The 2nd step is to classify it as an emergency, meaning to recognize what is really going on, and this can be hindered by pluralistic ignorance -when a group of people do not notice an emergency because those around them are simultaneously not noticing or reacting to the emergency: it is thus assumed there is no emergency-
The 3rd step is to take responsibility in the emergency. Studies show that the more people present at an emergency, the lower the chance is that someone will help. This is known as the bystander effect and creates a diffusion of responsibility, which leads the individuals to feeling less responsible for what is going on: “not my problem”. This means that a lone individual is far more likely to help you than that same person within a group.
The 4th step is to know what to do
5th step is to do it. But, even after taking responsibility and knowing what to do, it is possible someone will not help due to social inhibition. This is where the social context, or social norms, prevent or dissuade helping in the situation.
Most people are busy: they do not have time to think about world problems, let alone world problems which have yet to materialize. Most people do not realize how serious environmental problems are: they think the only problem facing us is global warming, and picture this as it becoming a little warmer in the summers. Most people feel like a faceless member of humanity with no reason to help solve these problems, and refrain from taking responsibility, even if they know what is going on.
Many people, who know what is going on and have taken responsibility for helping, do not know what to do. They do not realize that even communicating with others about these problems, helping making others aware, taking the time to discuss this with people experiencing dissonance makes quite a difference.
If people understood what was going on then there would be more people taking responsibility, more people brainstorming over solutions, and more work being done to avoid global ecological collapse.
The only step left is to do it. So talk to others about these issues, learn about them yourself, and start taking steps towards solving problems. Taking steps towards preventing our own demise, taking steps towards pulling our collective head out of the sand.
People often speak about nature in the context of it being seen as a system next to, or in opposition, to civilization. But, if we are to analyze the situation in the context of system theory, we realize that nature is really the overarching system within which all other systems on this planet exist.
The overarching system is always more complex than the subsystems (Luhmann, Ecological Communication). Overarching systems often show emergent properties, which are properties beyond the sum of the individual performances of the subsystems (for instance the ability of different cells to function as a single being, or for the human brain to solve complex problems without the necessary preparation or conscious thought.)
In the past we had the overarching meta-environment, regional environments, and then human societies as subsystems of these regional environments. This meant that destructive ecological behavior would only damage a relatively isolated environmental subsystem, and the diversity and connection to non-damaged ecosystems would enable it to recover.
Today, we see a global civilization greater than all but the overarching natural system. We see nations and corporations competing with climactic factors in influencing the state of ecosystems. Recent research by Barnosky et al (2012) indicates that when 50% of small ecosystems are in an altered state, then the overarching system no longer becomes viable in its current state: it shifts states.
So what happens when a global civilization crosses the overarching limits (according to Barnosky, 2012, this happens at 50%, and we are at 43% right now), and thus disables enough subsystems that the overarching system is no longer viable in its existing state? This is what one would call ecological collapse, an intensification of mass extinction, and it is a threat within our lifetime.
This is bigger than climate change: a much bigger inconvenient truth.
Thus if civilization is a subsystem of the overarching system nature, which we are threatening to destabilize, then how can we expect a subsystem to survive the collapse of the overarching system? How will civilization react when the basis upon it sits shifts? How will humanity react?
And most important: how can we act now to help avoid having to answer these questions? a good first step is sharing this kind of information. People are only able to help in an emergency if they are aware one is going on, take responsibility and know how and decide to help in the situation
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
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- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
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- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange
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