“The artful leader uses several kinds of power with finesse and subtlety. Power has many faces, many different expressions. Power extends past the political and material into the regions of feeling, intellect and spirit beyond the exercise only of power by the human will.”
“Authentic Space feeds us, as it has fed mankind from the earliest times.”
Design Shifts
From Pyranomics to Wholonomics of the Whole
From MLM Multilevel to HDMM HyperDimensional MetaMarketing
From Member to IperDtoken Holder with Sovereign Rights
From Rewards to Giftcurrent Reserves
From Crypto to Porteage – Portex Agencies
From Portal to Portex – Portal Vortex
From Crowdfunding to Crowd Valuation
It is time to become your own authority and stop giving over our power of decision-making to governmental people or parents or teachers or demi-gods.
It is The Time and The Right for the People of Earth to become Sovereign Beings.
Locamid Communecologies
From ecological sustainability to awareness of our evolutionary movement of consciousness. We, not only demand ecological sustainability, we also question whether our businesses are positively contributing to human rights progression. A key factor is the green business, grown from the ecological movement.
The first is the awareness that ecological considerations can be used to obtain economic gains. The second is the awareness that, in the long run, ecological sustainability is the goal to be achieved. Sooner or later, this will be through imposition of governments, or the government of governments, – nature or by a Civilizational Awakening.
In a few years, Wholonomics as the trigger can be raised as a backbone of world power. We can build this entire plan from its own body.
We create fundamental changes by changing the basis of our economic agreements. We stand on the verge of creating a new way of relating to each other and the Earth.
When an organization encourages the internal creativity of its members, allowing them to open their souls, the corporate-environment as a whole becomes happier, full of vitality and meaning.
Internal creativity enhances the external creativity of people, and is a backbone to innovative Communecologies.
•Debt Free and Interest Free, Free from State control.
The Science and Movement of Wholonomics is a Paradigm Field for Decentralizing Power.
•We, immediately without depending on usury or debt can birth fundamental change, updating our relational geometry of meaning through new hyperdimensional levels of agreement. We embody new ways of sharing benefits with each other and life and the Earth.
Money and to a large extent community has long since been robbed of meaning and connection.
•Released flow of Hololective Consciousness Enhancement awakens the Collective Cellular Intelligence to create Consensus Reality more Coherently.
•When Wholonomics is sufficiently evolved, the spin across scale conditions in the field, the Natural Equilibrium of Complexity Space ensure that the system is functionally stable and maintains socially gyroscopically just and equitable.
•The Inner and Outer Scales of Value benefit right behaviors that are also conducive to a just and equitable society.
•Hyperdimensionally there is No Separating Ego to feed, only naturally empowered esteem. The ego becomes increasingly obsolete.
Wholeness of The Psyche is the higher dimension of our Consciousness, we mature as we become more concerned for the Good of the Whole. The Ego Increasingly obsolete when our Self-Image includes the Totality of Humankind.
•Sustainable Wholonomic progress is both stable and comprehensive. Impervious to bubble formation and is capable of representing the entire wealth creation process, both human and natural in origin, through philosophic lenses.
You are being challenged here to reconsider how we can share our happiness – our inner wealth with our outer happiness, our wealth and with our kin, our community, and our consciousness.
This is intended on being a science and practice of how we can express “Wolofied Opened Awareness“ and a “Holofied Abundance Place”.
Wholomids are Space not a State. A Space for allowing new kinds of creative ways to emerge a communion of communities, a Collaborative for grounding Wholeness Values.
Freed Space has a restoring, healing, negentropic, even spiritual capacity to counter the entropic energies of social breakdown, decay, and meaninglessness.
Authentic Space feeds us, as it has fed mankind from the earliest times. • •
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
- Portex 4- Repu Coes
- Portex 5 – Dimension Zero Tokens
- Portex 10 – Clearinghome Sovereign Accounting
- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange Awe.cards
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
- Portex 16 -Communecology Locamids
- Portex 18 – Wholotics
- Portex 17 – Globamid
- Portex 20 – CoXexus NetsWorth
- Portex 21 – Smartchain Escrow
- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
- Portex 22 – Creator Celebration Gigitalism
- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
- Portex 24 – Pyranomic Pyracoin
- Portex 26 Civilization 3.0 Prototyping Coin Offer
- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
- Wolomid Phisolama Flosort Tokens
- School of Wholonomics – Wholonomics University
- Base 12 Tokens
Recent Posts
- There are two economies
- The System moves towards Sustainability
- Gaming Wholonomics
- History of Accumulating and Creating Value – How Humans accumulated Wealth and Value in Different Eras
- Marketfield
- Millaurum Gold StableD Coe
- Stage 2 Metamarket
- Wholonomic and Pyranomic Language
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Pyranomics is Broken
- Transcending Accounting Economics
- Building a True Alt-Tribalism
- The Launch of Super Platforms
- Tokens
- Restructuring Pyramid Space
- The Whole
- Solamids and Present Pricing Systems
- What is the Whole?
- Crowd Offer Platform Notes
- What is Work Value?
- More on Wholonomic Cosmology
- Wholeness, The Whole and Wholonomics
- Why Use the Term Current?
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Why Bitcoin May not Last – Energy Consumption
- For Announcement
- Wholoarchial Currentism
- Every Paradigm has a Creation Story
- Hyperintelligence
- Wholonomic Development
- Notes on Alternative Exchange Options
- Wholonomic Art 1
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrent Healthaid
- Globamid – Collective Intelligence Can It Save the Planet?
- WholoTeams and Holoships Notes
- Addressing our distraction addiction
- More Introduction
- An Impressionistic View of Currency
- Wholonoetics Physics of The Whole
- Wholonomic Cosmology 1
- Open systems and Closed Systems – What is different 1
- Benefits Distribution Fractal Geometry
- Leverage Points
- Crowd Funded Blast
- Community Value Liberation
- Wholonomics Glossary of Terms – Partial
- Dapp Token Keys
- Wholonomics Raise
- Wholonomics CrowdFunded
- alt Finance Solutions
- Aligning Moral and Economic Incentives
- Two Economies and The Third to Integrate them
- Promotion Tools