Guaranteed that PyraMoney won’t last forever
It will not persist when there is no advantage to using it. A largely cashless society is almost already complete.
Money is a means to exchange. When its utility is replaced by something more efficient it will become extinct.
Right now it is a protected species with purists still trying to revive it. Each pillar which underpins the system is being pulled down one by one.
Soon the edifice will fall.
Fiat valuations are no longer tied to any commodity or anything at all. It would not even exist if it was not the only game in town. it’s price is entirely independent and it’s valuation contingent on what we collectively believe it is even as it is a bubble.
When we stop believing in the value of paper money today it will be worth nothing tomorrow.
Without resorting to the argument of historical precedent, the size and scale of central banks or the promise these institutions have made to maintain a certain valuation what do we have to argue for?
Pyramoney is a product of our beliefs and dependence married to our hope that its value will remain. Same hold for stocks and bonds.
Money has been for the last 30 years, an intellectual construct centered on trust in Governance.
Trust in these institutions is at a historical low. We don’t trust the reasons they give for the decisions they make to act in our best interests or ability to deliver a better future. Why would anyone?
Wholonomics is a new operating system for a decentralized world. The future because it takes back control of the things we are most dependent on for us to subsist.
Consider a technological solution forcing a level or trust inconceivable in a human led system.
It is the future because it is already here making a difference to how we act.
No longer will we have to trust a government to reign over us and carelessly prescribe dangerous monetary policy we must accept.
No longer must we accept situations of austerity forced upon us due to government intervention in a financial collapse where there was no punishment for any of the individuals who caused it.
No longer is our future dependent on the whims of governments.
What price would you put on trust programmed in to an immutable ledger where those participating hold the keys to how the platform develops.
Unilateral arbitrary decision making is replaced by consensus processes rooted in sciences. IproDtokens contain all sovereign properties such as governance. Understand the implications.
We match, the underlying technology that powers crypto innovation with the failures of economics of scarcity, seeding a revolution.
Why things are changing, appreciate the technology underpinning the revolution and where the next epochal leap is coming from and heading to.
We can positively impact the progress this new civilization makes.
The success of the system is contingent on an unwavering belief that throughout history innovation has always disrupted what currently exists.
If a system is better, exponentially so, then nothing will be able to stand in the way of progress.
For the same reasons Google destroyed Yahoo, and Facebook vanquished MySpace, Currents will destroy Pyramoney.
In the same way, Amazon has brutalized physical retail, Wholonomics will eradicate pyranomic institutions.
The moment central banks pushed the button on quantitative easing they signed the death warrant of the capitalistic operating system that has monopolized the world. The effects are still being played out on a generational scale.
Wholonomics will be a more efficient vessel to allow for manifest destiny to be realized.
Table of Contents Overview
IperDtoken Holders
Token Holders Receive CoHeroGen Wholospheric Rewards
Xat Gift Current Generation Disbursements
- Crowd Valuation Round Pool 10% For Supporters Crowd Valuations Create the Utility
- IperDtoken Gift Pool Benefits 10%
- Overhead 20%
- IperDtoken Bonuses and prizes, lotteries 10%
- Scalar Field Ringflow Xat first iteration 40%
- StableD Coe – Millaurum 1/1000 Au Portex Gift Current co-efficient accruing 10% of Xat per each circulating exchange
Portex Crowd Valuation Campaigns Issue Porteage Redeemable for Gift Currents at the Round Level that Portex Crowd Valuation raise round is at. Encourages them to hold as the Porteage and NOT CONVERT as the value in Gift Currents increase through each round as the Portex has more funds to develop the project
Wholonomics Platform Integrates Portex Utilities as Porteage through Backend Dashboards
The Holomid Marketfield Generates Reward Backed Gift Currents and Utility Porteage
Holomid Marketfield at “retail” integrated with Scale coefficient
2 to 4% Gateway to fiat Cost or a no fee Crypto Cross Border Money Transfer Platform!
- Market Field
- Info and Content
- Visual
- Video
- Blogs and eBooks
- The “Wholopedia” with areas of related interests
- Education Podcasts
- Entertainment
- Info and Content
- Decentralised Video Sharing Platform that runs on Blockchain. Earns Giftcurrents for each video viewed, each comment, each upvote…
The CoHeroGen Well-Being Concentrate Portex
Create AuGen Augmented Genius Enhancements
We increase the rewards base value. Giftcurrent Rewards are redeemable at
“Wholesale” through “Wholospheres” is the way to effectively increase the rewards base
through decentralized ownership curated Communecology Shops Featuring
Somacogenomics Age Reversal
Intelligence Enhancements
Relationship Freedom
Family Security
Creative Expressivity
Success Manifestation
Survival Tools
Edutokens and Educurrents
School of Wholonomics
Altech and Appropriate Tech
Generates Backed Gift Currents and Utility Porteage Rewards
Website App Scripts used to template sites
JoySale v2.0 Clone, Shpock,,,
Blockchain Fiat Exchanger -Cryptocurrency Exchange Script
Viral Media Sharing Site Script
On Demand Ordering System
Mobile AppStore Script
Gig Script
Training for creating App Tools
- Penny Auctions
- Crypto Travel Sharing APP
- Raffles and Lotteries
- Payments enabled Messaging
- Blockchain Video Share
- CRM comprehensive database functionality
- Globamid Trust Portex
- Fiat Transferred into the Globamid Holo’Escrow and then disbursed the “Buckets”.
- Wolo and Holo- Scales Portex Coefficients
- Omni Wallet Awe Cards Portex Op
- Locamid Communecology Currents
Build Local Genichain Sidelinks
Issues Locamid Currents and Communecology Tokens
Develop Appropriate Technologies
- IperDtoken Holder’s Personal Dashboard for receiving, tracking, and using Gift Currents and other Porteages.
- Dashboard of Promo and Marketing Tools
Wholoship “True Believers” TokenHolders Receive Referral Currents = to 10% of Xat
Activates the Promotional Portal includes
Content Distribution
Marketing Channels
Engaging in JV’s with Allies
Viral Enrollment Market Hacks
Holds Meetings and Parties
Result based Teams Portex
CollabroCurrent issuing and tracking
Communecology Currents Beautification Portal
ChronoCurrents Time Accounting Exchange
Creator Celebration Portex
Runs Gigital Microventure Campaigns
WoloMid Portex Create AuGen Augmented Genius Enhancements Utility Dashboard
Wholotics Decision and Leadership Portex
Reputokens and Repucurrents
WealthWorks NetsWorth Portex
CoXeXus NetsWorth Portex
Blockchain Generates and Issues
Reserve Notes Portex
Commodity Notes
Innerprise Notes
Infrastructure Notes
StableD Porteage
- Solamids
- Electromids
- Millaurum
Coin Content Portexes
- Pyracoins
- Ending WW0 World War Zero Coins
- Prototyping Wholonomics 3.0 Civilization Coins
Benefit types
Token Holder Benefits
Supplier Token Holder Benefits Payment to establish shop
Member user
- Portex 0 – EcoChange
- Portex 1 – IperDtokens and MultiDcurrents
- Portex 8 – CoHeroGen WoloMid
- Portex 2 – StableDs
- Portex 3 – Wolo-Scales and Holo-scales
- Portex 4- Repu Coes
- Portex 5 – Dimension Zero Tokens
- Portex 10 – Clearinghome Sovereign Accounting
- Portex 19-Sovereign Identity
- Portex 11 – Wealthworks NetsWorth
- Portex 12 – Wholo’Ship Members
- Portex 9 -WholoD.eXchange
- Portex 13 – Transployment
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrents and HoloNotes
- Portex 15 – Scalarization
- Portex 25 – Wholoteams Collabrocurrents
- Portex 16 -Communecology Locamids
- Portex 18 – Wholotics
- Portex 17 – Globamid
- Portex 20 – CoXexus NetsWorth
- Portex 21 – Smartchain Escrow
- Portex 6 – Reserve Store of Value and Reserve Currents
- Portex 22 – Creator Celebration Gigitalism
- Portex 23 – Paradigm Coins
- Portex 24 – Pyranomic Pyracoin
- Portex 26 Civilization 3.0 Prototyping Coin Offer
- Portal 27 – WW0 People’s Resolution
- Wolomid Phisolama Flosort Tokens
- School of Wholonomics – Wholonomics University
- Base 12 Tokens
Recent Posts
- There are two economies
- The System moves towards Sustainability
- Gaming Wholonomics
- History of Accumulating and Creating Value – How Humans accumulated Wealth and Value in Different Eras
- Marketfield
- Millaurum Gold StableD Coe
- Stage 2 Metamarket
- Wholonomic and Pyranomic Language
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Pyranomics is Broken
- Transcending Accounting Economics
- Building a True Alt-Tribalism
- The Launch of Super Platforms
- Tokens
- Restructuring Pyramid Space
- The Whole
- Solamids and Present Pricing Systems
- What is the Whole?
- Crowd Offer Platform Notes
- What is Work Value?
- More on Wholonomic Cosmology
- Wholeness, The Whole and Wholonomics
- Why Use the Term Current?
- Why the Wholonomics Model and Development Will Succeed
- Why Bitcoin May not Last – Energy Consumption
- For Announcement
- Wholoarchial Currentism
- Every Paradigm has a Creation Story
- Hyperintelligence
- Wholonomic Development
- Notes on Alternative Exchange Options
- Wholonomic Art 1
- Portex 7 – ChronoCurrent Healthaid
- Globamid – Collective Intelligence Can It Save the Planet?
- WholoTeams and Holoships Notes
- Addressing our distraction addiction
- More Introduction
- An Impressionistic View of Currency
- Wholonoetics Physics of The Whole
- Wholonomic Cosmology 1
- Open systems and Closed Systems – What is different 1
- Benefits Distribution Fractal Geometry
- Leverage Points
- Crowd Funded Blast
- Community Value Liberation
- Wholonomics Glossary of Terms – Partial
- Dapp Token Keys
- Wholonomics Raise
- Wholonomics CrowdFunded
- alt Finance Solutions
- Aligning Moral and Economic Incentives
- Two Economies and The Third to Integrate them
- Promotion Tools